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Saturday, February 25, 2006

BBC Correspondent Faces the Truth: The American Left is Pathetic

Justin Webb, the BBC correspondent in the US, is perhaps one of the worst persons to be called "journalist" (of course, this excludes David "French" Gregory, who makes Webb look like a Pulitzer-prize winner).

However, even Webb faced up to reality when he discussed how the American Left has taken a shit and dropped dead. Of course, he clouds it in nice talk, but if you read the whole thing, you will see that Webb is saying, loud and clear, "These fools are dead. Period."

This is too funny for words.

Democrats fail to find a message

But the stickers which have caught my attention and which I think are part of a noteworthy political phenomenon here are those that say, in bold letters, "Re-defeat George Bush".

These, of course, refer to the election of 2000 in which more Americans voted for Al Gore, but which was awarded to Mr Bush by the Supreme Court after that voting snafu in Florida.

The stickers were part of the campaign of 2004, but were answered, it seems to me, by the result of that election.

The nation plainly elected Mr Bush - he won more than 50% of the vote - something Bill Clinton never managed.

So why is it that Democrats can't move on? The answer is that they don't know where to go.

On the Iraq war, for instance.

Are they for it or against it?

When it goes badly they are against it, but in the few months last year when elections were first held in Iraq they were rather for it.


The schizophrenia is epitomised by the choice of an anti-war Iraq veteran to run for a winnable senate seat in Ohio who has now been forced to pull out of the race because the party bigwigs got cold feet.

Democrats do not have a message on the key issues of our time.

Or, more precisely, they have several mutually exclusive messages.

Why is this?

Here's the answer, Mr. Webb: Because a majority of the American people realize that the Left is full of despicable, mean old socialist hippy leftovers from the 1960s who offer nothing but tax raises and gay marriage to the American populace.

In a nutshell, that sums up why the Downtrodden Party, short of surrender, will never control this country again. Nor should they.

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