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Sunday, February 19, 2006

Another Downie Caught in Nancy Pelosi's "Culture of Corruption"

We covered the antics and criminality of Rep. William Jefferson, Downie of Louisiana, during Hurricane Katrina, when he rudely forced troops to go to his home to help him recover some of his worthless shit. But, Willie is in far more "ethically difficulty," as we like to say.

However, as Nancy Pelosi (D-Nutjob) likes to say, "It is that culture of corruption."

The Legal Woes Of Rep. Jefferson

Around Washington, Rep. William J. Jefferson nurtured a reputation as a serious, even wonkish, lawmaker, a grade-school dropouts' son who graduated from Harvard Law School and was elected Louisiana's first black congressman since Reconstruction.

Then came the allegations last August that Jefferson had orchestrated a corruption scheme. Federal investigators are targeting the Democratic congressman, 58, for allegedly demanding cash and other favors for himself and relatives, in exchange for using his congressional clout to arrange African business deals. A former aide recently pleaded guilty to bribing Jefferson and is cooperating with authorities, and sources familiar with the case say a plea agreement with the lawmaker is being explored.

Jefferson's world is toppling. Tall and lean, he at times has looked ashen as he walks the halls of the Capitol. Those who know him describe him as shellshocked by the turn of events. Depending on Jefferson's fate, his central New Orleans district -- badly damaged by Hurricane Katrina and in need of effective representation in Washington -- could face a rowdy special election. The political scene is so chaotic that Republicans believe they could win the gerrymandered Democratic seat.

The WaPo subtitled this story "Probe of La. Democrat Provides Fodder for GOP." Actually, it does not. It provides proof positive that the "culture of corruption" pushed by Downies is just another sack of hypocritical crappola, which is backed by the leftwing media, which is full of even more crappola.

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