Thursday, January 12, 2006
A few years ago, Yassir "Yessir" Arafart was caught bringing an Iranian ship laden with arms into the Palestinian territories. Despite being caught dead to rights, the AIDS-infected child molestor Arafart denied it all, even though documents with his signature were seized by Israel showing he was behind the deal.
Now, even though Yassir has assumed room temperature, those peaceful Palestinians* are at is again: another ship has been seized, this time by Lebanon. And it was headed to Gaza, controlled by those peaceful Palestinians*. And it may have been sent by al Qaeda.
Lebanese nab terrorists headed for Gaza
The Lebanese army caught a boat on its way to Israel last week that was loaded with weapons, including long-range missiles, Channel 1 revealed Thursday night.
According to military sources who confirmed the report, the boat was on its way to Gaza from Lebanon and planned to drop off canisters filled with weapons, explosives and rockets off the coast where they were to be collected by Palestinian fishermen.
Government officials speculated that the boat was funded by Iran or Syria and that the weapons were meant to reach either the Hamas or the Islamic Jihad in the Gaza Strip.
In 2002, the Karine A ship was captured in the Red Sea by special IDF forces. The boat's cargo, intended for the Palestinian Authority, included 50 tons of advanced weaponry including Katyusha rockets, rifles, mortar shells, mines and a variety of anti-tank missiles.
The Palestinians...when will the world wake up that they are a worthless ruthless subhuman populace undeserving of any support?
* Yeah, right.