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Sunday, January 29, 2006

San Fran Chronicle: We Should Listen to Usama bin Laden and Agree on a Truce

Last week, in one of his oft-released audio tapes from whatever shithole cave he is currently hiding in, Usama bin Laden offered a "truce" to America if we would just surrender and leave "Muslim lands."

Of course, everyone but the whackiest loony leftist dismissed this out of hand.

Here is one of those loonies, direct from The San Francisco Chronicle opinion page.

And people wonder why this city is out of touch with reality. Here's why.

Why we should take Osama's olive branch
It's the first step in winning the peace

Osama bin Laden's offer of a truce has sunk from sight without leaving a ripple, but it should have made waves.

When the audiotaped proposal was made 10 days ago, the White House dismissed it out of hand. That was a politically logical move, given the need to appear tough on terror at all times. An image of strength and determination may be particularly important in the months ahead because Republican Party leaders have put security issues at the heart of their 2006 congressional election campaign strategy.

But there are reasons why bin Laden's overture should be carefully weighed and thoughtfully debated.

Yes, there are reasons we should consider this proposal:

1. If we want to surrender to al Qaeda, as the left would have us do.

2. If we want bin Laden to win in Afghanistan, Iraq, and every other corner of the globe.

3. If we want to left to claim a win against President Bush, then blame him when al-Qaeda attacks us again because we let down our guard.

Yes, there are reasons to consider this proposal...the same reasons that existed if we wanted a truce with Hitler, or another dictator sicko.

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