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Wednesday, January 18, 2006

The Results are In: Kerry Would Have Won in 2004, Except George Clooney Didn't Campaign With Him

If you thought George Clooney was an untalented puke-making nutjob who acts as well as some homeless jerk, this oughta give you a laugh: Mr. Clooney now says that had he gotten off his ass and campaigned for John Kerry in 2004, Kerry would have been elected.

In short, Clooney's laziness cost Sir Dumper of Massachusetts the whole election.

You read right. It is hilarious, though.


Movie star GEORGE CLOONEY is convinced he ruined JOHN KERRY's chances in the race for US president in 2004 - by snubbing an invitation and hurting his feelings.

The OCEAN'S TWELVE actor was one of several screen stars invited to ride on Kerry's election train, but it all went downhill for the Democrat when Clooney stayed away.

He recalls, "Kerry asked me to ride on his train - he had a train going cross-country after he was nominated and some actors went on board.

"I called him and explained that I couldn't do it.

"I'd hurt him. I'd actually caused him harm at the polls."

So, according to Clooney, millions of people who voted for Bush would have voted for Kerry, had they listened to an actor who cannot act.

Now THAT is something to ponder. Not.

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