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Thursday, January 19, 2006

New Blackjob Fear: "Global Warming" Could Hurt Blacks

The nuts who came up with "global warning" use every excuse to somehow explain why their phony idea of why the planet warms naturally - and then cools naturally - is really a threat we can actually do something about.

Now comes one of the most utterly hilarious stories to come out of that phony issue in a long, long time: blacks will be hurt by "global warming." Not people - blacks.

Global Warming Could Spell Disaster for Blacks

If you thought Hurricane Katrina was a once-in-a-lifetime fluke, think again. Concerned environmentalists say that unless the United States gets real about the threat of global warming, African Americans and other people of color can expect a repeat of disasters like Katrina.

“When you look at the trends and put them all together, it’s undisputable that the sea levels are rising,” says Ansje Miller, director of the Environmental Justice and Climate Change Initiative (EJCC)“Warmer seas mean more intense hurricanes...You’re going to have intense flooding like we have never seen before.  Katrina is really the hurricane of the future.”

Now, let us assume for a moment that "global warming" is real, and that humanity can do something to stop it.

If it is real, how does it impact blacks any more than, say, whites, or Hispanics, or Orientals? Wouldn't it impact polar bears before it impacts blacks?

And who would care who it impacts, instead of just saying that it impacts people?

Is this how the black leadership in America thinks? How does an issue affect only blacks, and no one else?

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