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Monday, January 23, 2006

The Loons at DummiesUnderground: Bush is a Bigger Threat than Iran

If you want to see some of the most paranoid, schizophrenic crappola ever posted on the Internet, head on over to DummiesUnderground, the posting site for deluded and psychotic liberals whose peabrains surely have rotted to nothingness. According to these nuts, Bush is Hitler, Bush is an idiot, Bush is a killer, Bush caused Hurricane Katrina, and, in a real dose of humanity, some said they would go and piss on the grave of deceased Chief Justice William Rehnquist. We have linked here to all of the fun and games of these sicko liberals.

But, just when you think they would find some intelligence and say, "Hey! That Iran is a threat! We should back Bush even if we hate him, because Iran with a nuke is a horrible thought to contemplate!" they come right out and show their true colors: they think President Bush, and not Iran, is a bigger threat.

Click on the link to be a witness to completely vile crap, and be prepared to vomit your guts up. But don't say we didn't warn you.

Iran threatens oil crisis in nuclear standoff

$100 oil, here we come...Upside, every 50 cent increase in gas prices = 5% drop in Bush poll numbers.

And Several Billion More in Repub Coffers, Which More Than Makes Up For...any loss in actual public support. They'll just buy more TV stations and more voting machinez.

the US could try DIPLOMACY for a change instead of a preemptive war leading to WWIII. But chimpy doesn't do stinkin diplomacy. He prefers the neocon plan of eternal war and imperial ameriKKKa in the ME sitting on the OIL. It has been the PNAC Plan from the start....

What exactly is the threat? Iran has no nukes. Bush has no brains--that's the bigger threat.

the single biggest threat to world peace today is George W. Bush...I wonder how long the world will wait before dealing with him? Frankly I think he should be impeached for treason against the United States and then taken to the Hague on war crimes.

Simple observations, simplistic comments...Your hero is a much bigger threat to the world than Iran.

Do you mean like the unstable leader of the USA?...can not get anymore unstable than the chimperor.

And that is some of the sickening crap posted by these nuts.

And Downies wonder why the country just will not trust them with our nation's security. After listening to these people, who make up 90% of the modern Downtrodden Party, WOULD YOU trust anything but a rotten turd to them?

We sure as hell wouldn't.

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