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Monday, January 23, 2006

Kerry Campaign Staff Plead Guilty to Dirty Tricks in Wisconsin

4 of 5 Downie campaign workers who helped John Kerry in Wisconsin have pled guilty to felony property destruction in the slashing of tires of vans used to carry Republicans to the polls in the 2004 presidential election.

The question is: who was the big name who told them to do this? Surely 5 little thugs didn't just do this on their own - they took the orders of bigger thugs in their rotten party.

4 Wis. Democratic Campaigners Enter Pleas

MILWAUKEE (AP) -- Four Democratic presidential campaign workers pleaded no contest Friday to charges that they punctured the tires of 25 vehicles Republicans had intended to use to get out the vote on Election Day 2004. A fifth defendant was acquitted.

Jurors were deliberating for a second day in the felony property damage case when the four agreed to enter the pleas on misdemeanor charges of criminal damage to property.

Those agreeing to the plea were Sowande A. Omokunde, the son of Democratic U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore; Michael Pratt, the son of former acting Milwaukee Mayor Marvin Pratt; and Lewis Caldwell and Lavelle Mohammad, both from Milwaukee.

The fifth defendant, Justin Howell, was acquitted soon after the others entered the pleas.

The four pleaded no contest to charges that carry a maximum nine-month jail term. The original counts carry a maximum 3 1/2-year prison sentence.

The state Republican Party had rented more than 100 vehicles that were parked in a lot next to a Bush-Cheney campaign office to give rides to voters and poll monitors on Nov. 2, 2004. The vandalism caused some delays in the GOP's Election Day work as party workers rounded up different vehicles.

Democrat John Kerry won Wisconsin's 10 electoral votes in a close race.

Of course, the asshole lawyer defending these pukes was telling the jury something quite different just a few days ago:

Campaign strategist: Five activists celebrated after tires were slashed

MILWAUKEE — A Democratic political consultant for the 2004 John Kerry presidential bid told jurors Tuesday that the five campaign workers accused of slashing the tires of vans rented by Republicans on Election Day boasted about the stunt.

"They were boisterous, slapping high-fives, laughing and so forth," said Opel Simmons III, a campaign strategist, referring to the five defendants after they returned to campaign headquarters at about 3:30 a.m. on Nov. 2, 2004.

Simmons, who said he saw the men leave the office about 30 minutes earlier, testified that he only learned of what they did after Michael Pratt, the son of then acting Milwaukee Mayor Marvin Pratt, and others, spoke.

"[Pratt] says, 'We got them. They're not going anywhere today," Simmons testified.

Pratt's father was in court for much of the day Tuesday, as was U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore (DWis.), whose son Sowande A. Omokunde is also a defendant in the trial.

Simmons said the defendants' behavior led him to only one conclusion.

"I believe that they were telling me that they had gone from our office to the Bush-Cheney office and had punctured tires of vehicles in the staging area," he said.

Defense attorneys attempted to discredit Simmons on cross-examination by pointing out inconsistencies in his statements to police, which, the attorneys hope, will leave jurors wondering if the state's key witness was in fact one of the vandals.

Pratt, Omokunde, Justin Howell, Lewis Caldwell and Lavelle Mohammad are all charged with criminal damage to property — a felony that carries a maximum sentence of 3 1/2 years in prison and a $10,000 fine.

The GOP rented more than 100 vehicles for a get-out-the-vote campaign on Nov. 2, 2004. The vehicles were parked in a lot adjacent to a Bush campaign office, and party workers planned to drive poll watchers to polling places by 7 a.m. and deliver any voters who didn't have a ride.

Defense lawyers attempted to have much of Simmons' testimony ruled as hearsay and therefore inadmissible, but Judge Michael Brennan denied the motions.

Simmons said that despite plans for an election eve stunt dubbed "Operation Elephant Takeover" — a plan to placard the same Republican office where the tires were slashed — the operation was dropped after he overslept and several people were spotted still in the GOP office late at night.

So, where is the MSM on this story? Imagine if 5 Republicans had slashed the tires of Downies going to the polls...we would see the likes of leftist media dickwads like Keith Dimbulbermann covering the trial in person. Imagine for one second if the people involved were the sons of national and local Republican politicians...the liberals would be demanding a Department of Justice investigation!

And the leftwing blogs would be humming with "this is a Republican conspiracy." Can we also hear the allegation that "Karl Rove must be behind this"?

So, seeing this scandal for what it is, we like to ask: what Downie was behind this? Kerry? Howard Dean? Why won't anyone ask them about it? Instead Chrissie Matthews the anti-Semite asks these liberal idiots softball questions.

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