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Thursday, January 26, 2006

John Kerry E-mails Joobo

John Kerry, fruitpie US Senator and failed candidate to steal the presidency, has e-mailed us here on his idiotic campaign to derail the Alito nomination.

This is too hilarious. Unfortunately, we have no link.

Dear __________,

I've studied Judge Alito's legal record. I met with him one-on-one. After all this, I am left with one simple conclusion: if Judge Alito becomes Supreme Court Justice Alito, he will move the Court backwards.

[But, as Kerry wanted to say, "If Samuel Alito had offered to suck my dick, I would have thought twice about supporting him. But since he brushed me off, I have no choice but to vote for this pro-heterosexual." - Ed.]

I will vote against Judge Alito's confirmation, and I hope a majority of Senators choose to join us on the Senate floor, voting and speaking out against him. I know we face tough odds, but this is an important fight.

[Sorry, dickhead - Alito has the necessary votes for confirmaion. That happens when a majority of Americans vote for Republicans, and not Downies, to sit in the US Senate - Ed.]

The bottom line is Judge Alito cannot be trusted on the Supreme Court. We can't trust him to stand up to government abuse of power. We can't trust him to ensure all citizens enjoy equal protection under the law. We can't trust him to protect our right to privacy. We can't trust him to defend mainstream American values.

[Maybe we can't trust him to make a good hamburger! Maybe we cannot trust him to wash his underwear! Maybe we can't trust him to pick up the newspaper on his driveway every morning! - Ed.]

To muster enough Senators to defeat Judge Alito, the American people have to make it clear that they are against his nomination. That's where you come in. By speaking out, you will help us convince other Senators to join our fight.

[And after watching the Downies on the Senate Judiciary Committee show themselves to be meanspirited pieces of shit who made Alito's wife cry, his support among the American people went UP, not down -- Ed.]

If you want to understand why Americans don't want Judge Alito on the Supreme Court, just take a look at his record. It paints a disturbing picture.

[Wait...not "troubling"? Hasn't every Downie said on more than one occasion that Alito's record is "troubling"? - Ed.]

When it comes to standing up to the abuse of executive power and protecting our right to privacy, he barely has a record. Judge Alito refused to hold the government accountable for excessive force when an unarmed boy was shot and killed, or when an innocent 10 year old girl was strip-searched.

[Unfortunately for his detractors, Alito's record has been gone over with a fine-tooth comb, and what did they find? Alito belonged to a group Ted Kennedy does not like (unless it was "Fatslob Drunks who Murder Women in Lakes"), and he did not say abortion is settled law. Boo fucking hoo. - Ed.]

In a speech in 2000, Judge Alito even endorsed a theory suggesting that independent agencies like the Consumer Product Safety Commission, which holds companies responsible for making products safe for kids, and the Securities and Exchange Commission, which stands up to corporate abusers like Enron, are unconstitutional infringements on the President's power.

With this record, how can we expect Alito to stand up to the President when he breaks the law to eavesdrop on American citizens or authorizes the torture of detainees?

[The old leftist canard: "Bush broke the law." If that is so, where is the indictment? The move to impeach? Why are Downies so silent unless - pray tell - the American people do not support their silly party in their opposition to monitoring potential al-Qaeda suspects? - Ed.]

Judge Alito's record on civil rights is no better. He saw no legitimate question of discrimination in allowing an all-white jury to sentence a black man to death for killing a white man. His own colleagues have criticized him for ignoring employees' rights to be free from job discrimination. Judge Alito's clear bias is to keep victims of discrimination out of the court system - and to rule in favor of corporate interests.

[Yup - Alito wants to bring back slavery. And segregation. Aw, let's just say it: Alito hates minorities. Is that better? - Ed.]

Judge Alito's record on privacy rights is worst of all. In 1985, Judge Alito actually wrote a memo outlining a strategy to undermine Roe v. Wade by slowly chipping away at its protections. That same year, Judge Alito wrote in a job application that he did not believe in the constitutionality of the right to privacy. Judge Alito's views on privacy rights are not ambiguous; they are openly hostile.

[There it is! Downies are beholden to their pro-abortion backers! They can see no other way to support anyone unless they see abortion their way! - Ed.]

Your voice is essential in this fight.

We have no reason to be hesitant in fighting to keep Samuel Alito off the Supreme Court. None of our fears are based on inference, speculation or assumption. His record speaks for itself -- and it speaks on behalf of extreme ideology and powerful corporations -- not the rights guaranteed by our Constitution.

To join this fight, please sign our letter. When I go down to the Senate floor to speak out against Judge Alito, I'll enter your name in opposition to Alito into the Congressional Record as well. And I'll show my Senate colleagues that as far as the American people are concerned, this is not some inside the beltway conversation; this is a landmark struggle for the future of our nation.

Please join us in this fight for our most cherished rights and freedoms.


John Kerry

P.S. Please pass this letter on to your friends. We need as many voices as possible joining us and speaking out against Alito.

Blah, blah, blah, blah.

Kerry is such an imbecile, he cannot understand why his party has gone from 56 seats in 1994 to 44 today. How do you lose 12 seats and control of all three branches of the US government? You do as the Downtrodden Party does, and move further and further left - until you become wholly irrelevant to the lives of Americans.

The Downies are nearly there.

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