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Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Another Country Elects a Right-Wing Government; American MSM Ignores the Story

When Socialists won in Venezuela, and Bolivia, and Germany, the MSM in America spoke about how these were "blows" to President Bush.

So, when a country throws out a leftwing government and installs a right-wing one, what is the reaction?

YAWN...that's what.

First Canada this week, and now Portugal.

Center-Right Candidate Elected in Portugal

LISBON, Jan. 22 (Reuters) - Aníbal Cavaco Silva, a center-right candidate, won the election for president in Portugal on Sunday. His victory was a blow to the governing Socialist Party, which had been under pressure because of a stagnant economy.

Mr. Cavaco Silva, a former prime minister, had 50.78 percent of the vote with 98 percent of the polling places reporting, the election commission reported.

A leftist maverick, Manuel Alegre, had 20.7 percent of the vote and Mário Soares, the Socialists' official candidate, had 14.21 percent.

Portugal has been a friend of America, even when the leftists ran the country. They did not use an anti-American platform to win. So we have to credit them that.

But the election of a right-wing government is cause for celebration. When leftists lose, the people - in any country - win.

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