Wednesday, December 07, 2005
The US economy is steaming along, but for some Marxists and failed creeps in the liberal media, there is always bad news.
And so, Reuters, the anti-American and anti-Semitic "news" agency, posts this crap about "pessimists" on the US economy.
Who is their source? Paul Slugman of The New York Times, one of Bush's most asinine critics, that's who. Someone who, if unemployment went to 0% and the deficit vanished, would still claim things were bad.
How typical of the leftist media to call this thug a "pessimist."
Bush takes on pessimists on U.S. economy
WASHINGTON, Dec 5 (Reuters) - President George W. Bush will point to faster-than-expected growth and other positive economic news on Monday in a speech he hopes will help convince Americans the economic outlook is rosier than they think.
Bush, whose approval ratings are at all-time lows, faces public pessimism over the economy and questions from some commentators over whether the U.S. economy is fundamentally sound, given a soaring budget deficit and a trade deficit with China that is heading for $200 billion for the year.
"The problem isn't that people don't understand how good things are. It's that they know, from personal experience, that things really aren't that good," wrote economic commentator Paul Krugman in The New York Times on Monday.
Notice how this story says that Bush's approval ratings "are at all-time lows."
Sorry, folks, but along with quoting Marxist idiots, you also have trouble with the facts:
President Bush Job Approval
Wednesday December 07, 2005--Forty-five percent (45%) of American adults approve of the way George W. Bush is performing his role as President. The President's ratings have been at 45% or above for six straight days and nine of the last ten.
These Job Approval ratings are collected via nightly telephone surveys and reported on a Three-Day Rolling Average basis with 1,500 interviews. Premium Members also receive data based upon a Seven-Day Rolling Average basis and 3,500 interviews. Those figures are less volatile than the Three-Day numbers and eliminate any possible day of the week bias.
The Seven Day figures have shown the President's Job Approval at 46% for five straight days. They show the President's rating bottoming at 41% on October 28 and making modest but steady progress since that time.
As usual, the media gets it wrong. But that's what happens when liberals write the news instead of reporting it.