Sunday, December 11, 2005
Bill Clinton, the Rapist-in-Chief©, went to a UN Conference on "Global Warming" in Canada, and opened his fat mouth once again, saying that President Bush is "flat wrong" in opposing the laughable Kyoto Accords, which would destroy the American economy.
Clinton Says Bush Is 'Flat Wrong' on Kyoto
MONTREAL Dec 9, 2005 — Former President Clinton told a global audience of diplomats, environmentalists and others Friday that the Bush administration is "flat wrong" in claiming that reducing greenhouse gas emissions to fight global warming would damage the U.S. economy.
With a "serious disciplined effort" to develop energy-saving technology, he said, "we could meet and surpass the Kyoto targets in a way that would strengthen and not weaken our economies."
Clinton, a champion of the Kyoto Protocol, the existing emissions-controls agreement opposed by the Bush administration, spoke in the final hours of a two-week U.N. climate conference at which Washington has come under heavy criticism for its stand.
Yet, the media conveniently leaves out that it was Rapist Willy who submitted the Kyoto Accords to the US Senate in 1998, and it was defeated, 98-0.
How many Democrats voted to table it? Every one of them.
Kyoto Protocol: Economic Threat or Opportunity?
One of the most vociferous opponents of the treaty was Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner Jr. (R-Wisc.), chairman of the House Committee on Science, who headed the Congressional delegation to Kyoto, Japan.
Other speakers included Ambassador Stuart E. Eizenstat, under secretary for economic, business and agricultural affairs, U.S. Department of State; J. Brian Atwood, administrator, U.S. Agency for International Development; Peter Coy, associate economics editor, Business Week; and Richard L. Sandor, chairman/CEO of Environmental Financial Products Ltd. and also a director of Central and South West Corp.
"The Kyoto Protocol agreed to by the Clinton Administration and over 160 nations last September poses a severe threat to the vitality of the United States economy in the form of drastic energy price increases, job losses in key manufacturing industries and an overall decline in our standard of living," Sensenbrenner said.'s the Senate resolution refusing to ratify the Kyoto Accords:
Byrd-Hagel Resolution
Expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the conditions for the United States becoming a signatory to any international agreement on greenhouse gas emissions under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
Resolved, That it is the sense of the Senate that--
(1) the United States should not be a signatory to any protocol to, or other agreement regarding, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change of 1992, at negotiations in Kyoto in December 1997, or thereafter, which would--
(A) mandate new commitments to limit or reduce greenhouse gas emissions for the Annex I Parties, unless the protocol or other agreement also mandates new specific scheduled commitments to limit or reduce greenhouse gas emissions for Developing Country Parties within the same compliance period, or
(B) would result in serious harm to the economy of the United States; and
(2) any such protocol or other agreement which would require the advice and consent of the Senate to ratification should be accompanied by a detailed explanation of any legislation or regulatory actions that may be required to implement the protocol or other agreement and should also be accompanied by an analysis of the detailed financial costs and other impacts on the economy of the United States which would be incurred by the implementation of the protocol or other agreement.
Clinton never resubmitted the Accords, and when President Bush came into office he refused to comply with them.
And to this day, the slavish MSM refuses to explain why the US Senate, in 1998, when Bill Clinton was President, did not ratify this economic destruction of a treaty. Because, if they did, it could make Bill Clinton look like a fool or a liar - or, perhaps, both. Which he was during his entire maladministration.