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Monday, December 19, 2005

"Piece of Shit Mom" Cindy Sheehan Leads Protest in Spain, Gets 100 People to Side With Her

Cindy Sheehan, who has had to go overseas for publicity because her 15 minutes are up in the United States, is in Spain making an ass of herself. But, to protest the United States, she got a huge crowd of 100 people to march with her.

If she had jumped in front of a moving bus, she would have gotten a bigger crowd.

Then again, we wish she HAD jumped in front of a moving bus.

Sheehan Leads War Protest in Spain

Anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan led a small protest Saturday outside the U.S. Embassy to denounce the war in Iraq.

About 100 protesters carried banners criticizing President Bush.

Sheehan, whose soldier son was killed in Iraq, called Bush a war criminal and said, "Iraq is worse than Vietnam."

Yup - Iraq is "worse" than Vietnam.

In Vietnam, we lost 58,000 men.

In Iraq, we have lost 2,150.

It that really worse?

Then again, in this woman's twisted mind, it might be.

One look at her sees why she is twisted: she is one ugly bitch:

And this woman is listened to? She should just be locked up.

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