Saturday, December 17, 2005
This past Thursday, millions of Iraqis - Shi'ite, Sunni, and Kurd - went to the ballot box to cast votes for Parliament. It was the third election this year, and the first to have massive Sunni involvement, as they realized that they foolishly boycotted the elections in January and October. The Sunnis fighting the US and coalition troops realized their error - that boycotting the elections and killing innocent people with car bombs was not working for them - and they pushed their people to go vote - which, if you think of it, is quite funny. Except this is dead serious.
Imagine the scene: just 3 years, or actually 33 months, into a war, we have brought democracy to a country once ruled by a murdering dictator who had his people cowering in fear 24/7. We have moved in with help from only a handful of allies - without the help of the cowards of France and Germany - removed the murdering dictator, captured him and put him on trial, and have allowed the Iraqi people to see a future for the first time ever.
Of course, President George W. Bush deserves the credit for this, as do the brave American and coalition forces who have fought the Islamic terrorist scum, with about 2,400 overall giving their lives in the effort. Each one of them is a hero, and their loss is immeasurable. However, let us remember that in World War II, the United States lost 8,000 dead in just three days of the battle of Iwo Jima. The American military, which has borne the brunt of this conflict, performed above and beyond the call of duty.
Let us also remember that it was President Bush, given intelligence that Saddam Hussein was building up weapons of mass destruction, who chose to end this madness in Iraq, despite the dithering of said France, Germany, Russia, and the American left. Of course, much of the intelligence may have been wrong, but, in the end, Bush did the world a great favor removing Saddam, because, one day, those sanctions would have ended, and Iraq would have begun its WMD programs all over again. Saddam Hussein had to be taken down, and taken down he has been.
Now, 33 months after Operation Iraqi Freedom began, those elections were held, where 70% of the Iraqi people went to the polls. Imagine if in the United States we had a turnout like that! But, for the American media, including those who openly side with those forces fighting America around the world in the name of radical Islam, this election was a sham, a show, as they stood there waving, "Move along - there is nothing to see here."
In addition, those in the media decided that not only was it a crime that President Bush was rising in the polls again, but that his associate Karl Rove had not been indicted, and the American people lost interest in their cooked-up non-story known as "Plamegate." So, they have on their plates what we here like to call "The Grand Strategy." The 11 parts of this strategy are this:
1. Make sure that good economic news goes unreported. If unemployment goes down, make sure to do stories about "those Americans out there who are hurting who President Bush does not care about." If the stock market goes up, remind people of how it was when Bill Clinton was President, before the bubble in 2000 dropped it through the floor. Forget to remind people that the American economy was headed for the toilet in late 1999 and early 2000, before George W. Bush became President. Make sure to label tax cuts pushed by Bush as "pushing up the deficit" but not "averting a depression after 9/11."
2. Make sure to report each casualty in Iraq as "today, another American soldier was killed in Iraq. We estimate that xxx troops have been killed since President Bush started the war in Iraq based on faulty intelligence." Make sure to tie President Bush's name in each story, to make it sound like he killed the soldier.
3. Make sure to cover each Cindy Sheehan rally, even if 8 crackpots show up to support her.
4. Make sure to portray Rep. John Murtha and his "let's get out of Iraq right now" plan as a smart initiative, but completely forget to mention the name, much less the words, of Senator Joseph Lieberman because Lieberman backs up President Bush's plan for Iraq. Make sure to forget to mention that Murtha slurs his words (drunk? Alzheimer's?), sounds like a crackhead, contradicts much of what he says, and definitely make sure to call him "a war hawk" who "served in Vietnam" who is "disgusted at the way the war is being fought," despite the fact that Murtha has been against the war for 2 years (and making crackpot statements against it since that time).
5. Make sure to highlight the military status of any of President Bush's critics, but ignore the military status of any politician who dares to support him. For instance, when Senator Chuck Hagel backs President Bush, he is "Senator Hagel of Nebraska," but when he opposes the President he becomes "Senator Hagel, who is a Vietnam War veteran."
6. Make sure to report any alleged torture allegation against the United States, but play down the abuse and murders of al Qaeda worldwide, including in the Philippines, Indonesia, and Bangladesh, where Islamic nutjobs continue to attack civilians who do not adhere to radical Islam.
7. Find ways to report the "CIA Leak investigation" as breaking news, despite the fact that there has not been breaking news on that "story" since Lewis Libby was indicted in October.
8. Show that the alleged release of the name of Valerie Plame was some sort of crime, but refuse to say that the leak of alleged CIA "torture prisons" in Europe, or that President Bush ordered the NSA to surveil Islamic sympathizers of al Qaeda in America without court warrants, are crimes far worse than the alleged release of Plame's name, despite the fact that the two latter stories aided and abetted this country's enemies.
9. Report every 10 minutes that "President Bush's approval ratings are at 35%, which is the lowest he has ever been" when they were there, but when they rise to, say, 40%, refuse to report the story or use the old "yeah, but" reporting style, in, for example, "A new poll shows that President Bush's approval ratings have risen to 40%, but the American people still disapprove of the Iraq war, the economy, and his handling of Hurricane Katrina." I don't remember the "yeah, but" style being used to report of Rapist Willy Clinton's ratings. Then again, most of the American media was busy fawning all over Clinton when he was robbing and stealing and lying for the eight nightmarish years he was in power.
10. Refuse to allow the identification of minorities when they commit crimes. When a white man is identified as a suspect, the media says, "The suspect is identified as white, 5 foot 8, 220 pounds, wearing dark clothes and sneakers." But if a black man is a suspect, the media reports it thusly: "The suspect was said to be 5 foot 8, 220 pounds, wearing dark clothes and a sweater." If a Hispanic is a suspect, the media may use that term, but only if the crime is a murder or murders. Otherwise, the color of the suspect is deemed not to be important - unless the suspect is white.
11. Allow the likes of Paul Slugman, Keith Dimbulbermann, and Wolf Blintzes to lie about every single thing they report on when it comes to the Bush administration. When Slugman is forced to retract his Marxist horseshit peddled as alleged economic theory, The New York Times buries the retraction on page 96 under the Obituaries columns. Dimbulbermann spends each night railing about how terrible President Bush is, but he does it to the 22 people who actually watch his program. And Wolfie Blintzes, with his sidekick Jack "the Smack" Cafferty, wrestle each other daily to see whose IQ is lower, or who can make a shifty remark that President Bush is the devil incarnate.
So, here is what you need to do: watch the American media (print, television, internet, etc.) and see if daily, if not several times daily, that they do not use their spaces to bark out marching orders fitting into one of these 11 categories. You will notice it where before you may have missed it. But it will become more noticeable as you open your mind to the tactics of the leftists who run the so-called "mainstream media." And then you will see how truly insidious the American media, and its leftist lapdogs, is to the health of America.