Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Following on the last story, we find that not only are Downies out of touch with the American people, but they are siding with terrorists even in Iran.
A Senate resolution to condemn Iran and their whacko President for his anti-Semitic comments was - get this - opposed by Downies and, facing their opposition, was watered down by Republicans so it could pass.
Why the media does not highlight that the Downtrodden Party is now wholly siding with terrorist elements is beyond us.
Senate Democrats Soften Iran Resolution
WASHINGTON — A Senate resolution condemning the president of Iran for anti-Semitic comments he made earlier this month is riling its Republican sponsors on Capitol Hill. They claim Senate Democrats forced them to strip language from the document expressing support for self-determination and a national referendum in the country.
Senator Santorum, a Republican of Pennsylvania, drafted the resolution after a December 14 speech in which Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called the Holocaust a “myth” and suggested Israel be relocated to Europe, Canada, or Alaska. In its original form, the statement condemned the remarks, demanded an apology, and supported efforts by “the people of Iran to exercise self-determination” and hold a national referendum with oversight by international observers.
When Mr. Santorum moved to introduce the resolution last Friday, Senator Wyden, a Democrat of Oregon, registered an unusual objection. According to the Congressional Record, Mr. Wyden told Mr. Santorum on the Senate floor that he was objecting to the resolution because his Democratic colleagues in the Senate had asked him too. Mr. Wyden did not say who asked him to issue the objection.
“While I personally am vehemently opposed to the statements that have been made by the president of Iran,”Mr. Wyden said, “I have been asked by the members on this side of the aisle to object, and I do so object.”
Senator Wyden wants to oppose this - and that is fine. Perhaps if the American people threw more members of his silly party out of office, and they had 30 members instead of 44, Mr. Wyden would think more thoroughly about siding with terrorists.