Wednesday, December 14, 2005
The Downtrodden Party and their congressional thugs have no concern if America is hit by terrorists again - they show this lack of concern by their refusal to pass the Patriot Act, parts of which expire in 2 weeks.
Now, Downies in the Senate threaten to filibuster if the act is even brought up for a vote.
In short, Downies are now endangering America and Americans.
House Ready, Senate Balks on Patriot Act
WASHINGTON (AP) - The GOP-controlled House plans to quickly renew portions of the USA Patriot Act before they expire at the end of the year. Some Republicans say the nation's safety could be endangered if the Senate doesn't follow suit.
The House on Wednesday was expected to pass a White House-backed bill that would renew more than a dozen provisions of the Act - the government's premier anti-terrorism law - which are due to expire Dec. 31.
But saving those provisions will be more difficult in the Republican-controlled Senate, where some GOP and Democratic senators are unsatisfied with the compromise bill, which was worked out last week between key Republicans in the House and Senate.
At least one senator, Democrat Russ Feingold of Wisconsin, is threatening a filibuster.
The Downies need to suffer a massive defeat at the ballot box next year.
Remember in 2006 when you go to the polls: that Downie candidate you vote for wants to make sure terrorists hit America like they did on September 11, 2001. Maybe if there were fewer and fewer of them in Washington, their decision to block tax cuts or the Patriot Act will be more severely compromised.