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Thursday, December 22, 2005

The BBC Round-Up: More Telling Tales From A Gang of Leftist Idiots

As we here at Joobo have been saying, the BBC is one of the "triad of journalistic evil," along with CNN and al-Jazeera, using the airwaves to spread anti-American, anti-George W. Bush, and anti-Semitic slander at every turn.

Well, it is time for some really ripe of evidence of this.

How ripe? Get ready to plug your nose at the stench of leftist rot.

Here is just one segment, dealing with the latest economic figures. The US economy grows, the European economy stagnates. But, the slags at the BBC cannot say this - they have to couch both stories in terms the average leftist moron can understand.

First, the US economy grows...but the BBC says that it "persists."

What? Doesn't bad news "persist"? How can good news persist?

Of course, the BBC tells you just how.

Rapid US economic growth persists

The US economy has continued to grow quickly despite the impact of hurricanes and record high oil prices.

The Department of Commerce said that gross domestic product (GDP) increased by an annual rate of 4.1% in the three months to the end of September.

That was the fastest rate of growth since the first quarter of 2004, and up from 3.3% in the previous three months.

Consumer demand - which has been helped by discounting - was the key driver, along with business investment.

Fascinating, eh? It sounds like things are in great shape. But the BBC has to find a dank cloud in there somewhere:

On the negative side, growth in the third quarter was less than had been initially predicted and corporate earnings slid as companies had to meet the cost of hurricanes Rita and Katrina.

Yup, that's the "negative" news.

However, how are the economies of those "economic powerhouses" of Europe doing? France, for instance?

Not good at all. Of course, the BBC couches that news in good terms.

French output has surprise tumble

France's economy is under fresh scrutiny after industrial production unexpectedly fell in October.

Output dropped by 2.5%, after rising by 0.6% in September, the statistical office INSEE reported.

While the government has promised to revive the flagging economy, a mixed picture has emerged in recent months.

Despite the good intentions recent riots have dented consumer confidence, unemployment is still above 9% and reforms are proving difficult to enact.

So, that "surprise tumble" means what? Output dropped. Unemployment continues near double digits. Riots. In short, things are bad.

But, check out this crappola from another Froggie:

In an interview with French newspaper Les Echos, the European Union's (EU) Economic and Monetary Affairs Commissioner Joaquin Almunia said that while a recovery in the euro-zone was taking hold, it was still early days.

The US economy is steaming along, but there is that bad news. The French are dropping dead, but some numbskull says things are about to "take hold."

Hilarious, right?

So, how is that wondrous UK economy that just cannot rush to ensure that homosexuals can marry each other? Pretty rotten, too.

Deficit widens as growth slows

The Chancellor has admitted that the UK economy is growing more slowly than he had hoped after a "tough year".

Mr Brown said it was the doubling of oil prices and high house prices that had put pressure on the economy.

He predicted that the economy would grow by just 1.75% this year - half the rate he had forecast six months ago.

And he has accepted that the public finances will be £5bn worse off as a result - and extended the economic cycle by another two years.

But his tone remained upbeat as he claimed credit for keeping the economy on an even keel.

"We are the first party to achieve eight years of continuous economic growth since 1805," the chancellor told the House of Commons.

Uh, we have this just in from the Captain of the Titanic - he has had a great voyage, and sees things getting better in the future, but right now his fucking ship is sinking. Yup.

Of course, the BBC's attempts to make the good look bad and the bad look good is not just limited to economic issues - they even try to make Saddam Hussein look like a poor and tortured (forgive the pun) soul:

'Americans tortured me' - Saddam

Saddam Hussein has been beaten and tortured by the Americans, he has alleged at his trial in Baghdad.

"I have been beaten on every place of my body, and the signs are all over my body," he told the court.

A White House spokesman rejected the charge, saying it was one of the most "preposterous" things Saddam Hussein had said recently.

Poor Saddam! After all, the BBC held a "war crimes trial" against President Bush and Prime Minister Blair, and used evidence that we invaded Iraq to prove we committed war crimes. For Saddam to have brutally murdered hundreds of thousands is something the BBC just need not bother to mention. That he makes allegations of "torture" with no substantiation, and gets airplay, is nothing new from the birdbrains at the BBC.

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