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Wednesday, December 07, 2005

As Nancy Pelosi Says, "It Must Be That Old Culture of Corruption"

Hmmm...another Downie is indicted for criminal activity.

It must be a "culture of corruption" surrounding that party.

Second Associate of Philly Mayor Charged

PHILADELPHIA (AP) -- An attorney who headed a committee trying to develop a key piece of city-owned property was charged with fraud and conspiracy Tuesday, the second close adviser of Mayor John F. Street to be swept up in a federal corruption investigation.

Prosecutors said Leonard Ross, 58, attempted to sell access to his office to raise campaign funds for Street and to get a $150,000 line of credit for himself.

The charges echo similar counts filed against others caught up in the probe, which became public when police discovered an FBI bug in Street's office in 2003.

A series of related federal probes have resulted in convictions of more than a dozen people, including the former city treasurer who tried to trade government contracts with businessmen for gifts, favors and cash.

The mayor was not charged - but neither was Warren G. Harding. But he surrounded himself with criminals, as did Bill Clinton.

How much of this story will the media play up? Probably none.

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