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Thursday, November 10, 2005

Syrian Thugs Blame Hariri's Murders on - You Guessed it - Israel and Hariri's Family

The UN investigated the murder in February 2005 of Rafik al-Hariri, the former PM of Lebanon, and the German judge who looked into the murder found that Syrian intelligence, at the behest of the family of Syrian President Bashir al-Assad, committed the murder - and, for the first time, the UN is getting off its rotten, lazy ass and is forcing Syria to deal with their criminal activity.

But the thugs inside Syria just cannot let go - and now this crap appears in the mouthpiece of the Syrian government, some rag of a newspaper.

Who does this rag blame for the murder? Israel, of course - working hand in hand with al-Hariri's sons - did the crime.


Syrian Government Papers Insinuate: Sa'd Al-Hariri is Involved in the Assassination of His Father and in Attempts to Kill Other Lebanese Figures

Fayez Al-Sayegh, editor of the government daily Al-Thawra, wrote in an editorial: "...Who profits from the murder of the [former Lebanese] prime minister Rafiq Al-Hariri? Should we draw a connection between Al-Hariri's heirs, who profited [from the murder], the [political] 'lobby' which anticipated it and reaped political and economic benefits from it, and those who gained a regional advantage through it, especially Israel?... After Al-Hariri's death, why did his media [group] - the profits of which are [now] divided equally between his sons and his associates who coveted his money - fail to mention Israel's stake [in the murder]? Why did they not direct their suspicions towards Israeli hands which have the greatest experience in terror, bombings and persecution of [Israel's] adversaries - since Al-Hariri was, after all, an adversary of Israel...

"The Lebanese investigation and the international investigation... ignored two factors, namely: Israel, which is regarded as the party that derived the greatest benefit from Al-Hariri's murder... and Al-Hariri's heirs - his sons, his associates, or others who gained from his death and were closest to him - who were the first to look after themselves and to build their financial and political future on his body and his blood."

In another article which appeared two days later, Al-Sayegh wrote: "For eight months, they [the Al-Mustaqbal media group] have been maligning us and accusing us without waiting for the [results] of the investigation. Moreover, they rushed to accuse us without reasonable consideration...

"We condemn the attitude [of the Al-Mustaqbal media group] which is opposed to Al-Hariri's attitude, and is in line with Israel's... The question which keeps occurring to us, and to anyone who is familiar with Al-Hariri's patriotic views and his strong positions regarding Israel, is why they refrain... from accusing Israel. After all, it is a principle of criminal [investigation] to search for whoever profited from Al-Hariri's death, be it one of his associates or political and financial heirs, or Israel, which is regarded as the chief opponent of his policy..."

Of course, Syria has run out of options to deal with this crime they committed - the Lebanese want Assad's ass, the UN wants Assad's ass, and Assad is getting weaker each day as the possibility of sanctions grows.

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