Monday, November 21, 2005
Muslims worldwide are a continued threat to human existence. One look at their shows and the comments they make, somehow explaining away Islamic terrorism, or terrorism against Jews, or the Holocaust, and one can see this.
So this is one more outrage, from Saudi television: Jews made up the "6 million" killed in the Holocaust by taking 600,000 dead and "adding a zero to it."
Muslims are zeros, with their subhuman IQs.
Jordanian Professor/Terrorist on Saudi Al-Majd TV Says Kings David & Solomon Were Muslims Who Today Would Have Fought Israel, Supports Leading Holocaust Denier
Nawfal: "Roger Garoudy said: 'If we take the number of gas chambers and the maximal daily capacity of an oven, and multiply them by the period you Zionists, claim the Holocaust lasted - even if we multiply the number of ovens by the maximal [capacity], the figure is grossly exaggerated. The number of those burned [sic] was 600,000. You added another zero, and turned it into six million.'"
We thank MEMRI, the Middle East Media Research Institute, which exposes this nonsense on their site. Without them, the American media would continue to get away with their blind love of Islam and their refusal to paint that cult of maggots for what it is.