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Friday, November 11, 2005

Military Recruitment Up in October...Good News for the US, Bad News for Liberals

The media was so intent to report on the bombings in Jordan or - in the case of Chrissie Matthews of "Softball" on MSNBC - the "Scooter" Libby indictment (which happened 2 weeks ago) - that they missed this story. Of course, CNN was thrilled to miss it, and MSNBC is watched by so few people that had they covered it no one would have noticed.

Active Components Exceed October Recruiting Goals

WASHINGTON, Nov. 10, 2005 – October was a good month for recruiting, with all active-duty components exceeding their recruiting and retention goals, officials said here today.

This was particularly good news for the Army National Guard. In October, the Army Guard had a goal of 3,970 recruits and accessed 4,050 -- 102 percent of its goal.

October is the first month of the new fiscal year, so the component started off on the right foot, Guard officials said. It was the first time the Guard has made its goal since May.

On the active-duty side, the Army exceeded its goal of 4,700, bringing in 4,925 recruits -- 105 percent of its October goal. The Navy made 101 percent of its goal, with 2,268 recruits and a goal of 2,244.

The Marine Corps also made 102 percent of its goal, with 2,760 recruits and a goal of 2,700. The Air Force made 101 percent of goal, with 2,180 recruits and a goal of 2,161.

On the reserve-component side the Navy Reserve and Air National Guard had disappointing recruiting months. The Navy Reserve missed its recruiting goal of 811, bringing in 724 sailors for 89 percent. The Air National Guard's goal was 1,010, but the component only managed to recruit 588, for 58 percent of goal.

The media loves to tell us how badly the military is doing when it comes to recruitment. So when the story doesn't go their way, they ignore it. The same happens with unemployment figures: when it goes up, the media tells us that George W. Bush is at fault. When it goes down, the media does a story about the bird flu in Hungary.

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