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Tuesday, November 29, 2005

The London Sunday Times Should Hire a Writer Who Knows His Recent History

When Americans muck up knowing about historical events in other countries, they are called out of touch, crude, or just plain stupid.

Well, now the shoe is on the other foot: we have found someone who is out of touch, crude, or just plain stupid in Great Britain - His name is Simon Jenkins, and unfortunately he writes for the Times of London.

This past Sunday, he actually said that President Bush was responsible for bombing Serbia in 1999. Confused? What? Do you mean that President Bush never bombed Serbia? How could he when in 1999 Bill Clinton was President and George W. Bush was Governor of Texas?

Simon Jenkins doesn't say how this happened. Maybe it is because he is an imbecile.

Blair’s slow, embarrassing death by a thousand leaks

That Blair and Bush should have discussed bombing the Al-Jazeera building in Qatar is hardly surprising. They agreed to bomb the headquarters of Serbian television during the Kosovo war.

Oops. This happened because the Brits have their panties in a bunch over an alleged report that President Bush told British PM Tony Blair when we started invading Iraq that he wanted to bomb al-Jazeera's offices in Qatar to end their airing of al Qaeda videos. Of course, it never happened, but don't let the leftwingers tell you that - it gets in the way of their increasing Bush Derangement Syndrome.

Of course, one needs to study actual history to see that Bill Clinton really did bomb Serbian media during the 1999 war with Serbia. Here is some info on that actual incident:

Destruction of the Yugoslav Media

On April 23, 1999, US/NATO bombers destroyed the Serbian state television headquarters in downtown Belgrade, Radio Television Serbia, killing 16 civilian employees and wounding 19. In addition, between March 24, 1999 and June 10, 1999, US/NATO bombs destroyed more than ten private radio and television stations, and 36 TV transmitters. Transmitters at Iriski venac, Krnjaca, Mt Cer, Bukulja, Tornik, Crni vrh, Jasetrebac, Ovcar, Grmija and others were destroyed, so that the transmitter infrastructure for the entire territory of Serbia was severely damaged. The studios and transmitter located at the Business Centre USCE which housed TV stations BK TV, Pink, Kosava and SOS Channel, and several other radio stations, were bombed two times in six days. The transmitter of the TV station Palma was bombed and destroyed on April 28, and the satellite station "Yugoslavia" in the village of Prilike near Ivanjica was severely damaged.

Never let facts get in the way of liberals. They enjoy the story, especially if it makes President Bush look bad. The facts usually tell the opposite story.

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