Friday, November 04, 2005
The world is being inundated with Muslim terror, the Muslim world is rife with dictators and terrorists and psychos, and much of their citizenry live in horrific conditions with women being treated no better than dead chickens.
So, what important issue will Muslims take up when they meet in Mecca? Cartoons of Mohammad that were published in Denmark.
Yep...Muslims think this is the top issue confronting their people.
OIC, Denmark at odds over Mohammed cartoons
Caricatures of Mohammed published in a Danish paper, which have already caused uproar in Muslim communities in Denmark and abroad, will be on the agenda at an Islamic summit in Mecca in December, an Egyptian diplomat said in Copenhagen on Friday.
"We have been informed by our foreign minister that this caricature affair will be on the agenda at a special summit of the Islamic Conference," said Mohab Nasr Mostafa Mahdy, the embassy's deputy ambassador.
"This is a collective initiative taken by the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) and Egypt played a leading role," he said.
Images of the prophet are considered blasphemous under Islam.
On Wednesday, Egypt's ambassador in Beirut, Hussein Darrar, said he and Lebanese Foreign Minister Fawzi Salloukh had discussed which measures to take against Denmark following the Jyllands-Posten paper's publication of 12 Mohammed cartoons in September.
"We have asked the Danish government to take measures, but have not received a response to our request. As a result, we have decided not to continue talks with Denmark on the issue of human rights and discrimination and other measures concerning Denmark's" agenda within international bodies, Darrar told reporters.
More evidence that Muslims are both stupid and delusional.