Sunday, October 09, 2005
The Harriet Miers US Supreme Court nomination has apparently broken the Republican Party into two wings: arrogant DC elitist writers, and the rest of us.
Guess who is against Miers?
GOP rank and file back Miers
The Republican base across the country looks more favorably on President Bush's nomination of Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court than the cluster of conservative critics who are opposing her inside the Beltway, according to a Washington Times survey of state party chairmen.
Most Republican chairmen interviewed expressed confidence in Mr. Bush's choice and said they were picking up little, if any, criticism from their rank and file, though some said they wanted to know more about Miss Miers and expected to learn more once the Senate confirmation process gets under way.
Eileen Melvin, chairwoman of the Pennsylvania Republican Party, said she had just come from a meeting with state committee members in conservative Lancaster County, where she asked them what they thought of the Miers nomination. "They said we trust the president," she said.
"The president has defined what he was looking for in a Supreme Court nominee from Day One, so the folks I've spoken with understand that he knows Harriet Miers and they trust that he has nominated someone who meets his standards," Mrs. Melvin said.
The Charles Krauthammers, Ann Coulters, and Rush Limbaughs are making fools of themselves, and inflating their own self-importance. But they also risk their own careers when the only people who care to listen to them shut their shit off.