Sunday, October 23, 2005
The United Nations, that worthless shit of an organization which does nothing for mankind but wastes billions of dollars doing it, has now sided with France that allows countries to ban movies which do not accede to its "culture" - in other words, if France wants lots of French (read: crap) movies, and no American movies, the UN has just allowed it.
Why do we bother funding these losers with billions of our tax dollars? Why?
Countries turn backs on Hollywood
Unesco member states have formally voted to support their own film and music industries against globalisation.
The United Nations cultural body voted in favour of a cultural diversity convention, backed by France, Canada and the UK.
The US had said the "deeply flawed" convention could be used to block the export of Hollywood films and other cultural exports.
The vote follows French moves to protect its film and music industries.
France already awards large subsidies to its own film, music, theatre and opera industries to support its cultural heritage.
It also imposes strict quotas on the level on non-French material broadcast on radio and television.
The new convention on cultural diversity aims to recognise the distinctive nature of cultural goods and services.
It enables countries to take measures to protect what it describes as "cultural expressions" that may be under threat.
Since France wants to offer protection to its hilarious and worthless film industry, we must be allowed to offer protection to our wine and cheese industry from French fromage. After all, everything French smells like armpits, anyway.
So, we need to introduce the "Protection from French Armpit Cheeses and Wines Act of 2005" in Congress. We need protection like the French do. They started this bullcrap first - let us end it.