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Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The Story the Media Missed: DeLay's Persecutors Don't Have the Documents Needed for Their Case

You heard it right: Ronnie Earle, Dumbshit Extraordinaire who is the Downtrodden Party's personal District Attorney in a scheme to get Tom DeLay, has admitted that the document he needs to prove his case is not in his possession.

The questions are then asked: how did he get an indictment based on a document he does not have? And where is the media to report this?

DeLay's prosecutors lack a key document

Travis County prosecutors admitted Friday they lack physical proof of a list of Republican candidates that is at the heart of money-laundering indictments against U.S. Rep. Tom DeLay and two of his associates.

The list is key to prosecutors being able to prove that corporate money that could not be legally spent on Texas candidates was specifically exchanged at the national level for donations that legally could be spent on Republican candidates for the Texas House.

At what point will a judge somewhere in Texas dismiss this ridiculous case which has been made up out of whole cloth? And when will the media report on this Earle character who is obviously a crook and liar?

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