Joobo stands for reason, morality, and honesty...and against leftist perversion and dishonesty. Join us as we expose the left for its hatred of everything that is good and its support of everything that is evil.

Sunday, October 16, 2005


November 15, 1996: Bill Clinton celebrates his recent electoral victory by getting his dick sucked in the Oval Office by one of a harem of interns. In Congressional news, Downtrodden party members remain in a funk as their party becomes more unpopular amongst the American people and it loses more seats. Vice President Al Gore sets up a system of robbing Chinese monks and nuns at gunpoint for campaign donations which he will probably use for his expected 2000 presidential run. Downtrodden National Committee chairman Terry McAuliffe's nose grows to 3 feet during an interview when he is asked if he knew that Clinton was getting foreign donations to this 1996 campaign, donations which are illegal under American law. Attorney General Janet Reno decides to permanently wear a dildo under her skirt.

Please stay tuned for our next installment of: THIS DAY IN DOWNTRODDEN PARTY HISTORY!

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