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Thursday, October 27, 2005

"Old Surrender to Al Qaeda" Says We Need More Troops, We Need Less Troops

Old Surrender to Al Qaeda (OSTAQ), aka John Kerry, the "Senator" from "Massachusetts" who allegedly ran for President last year and, despite losing, doesn't know that he should just drop off a cliff and shut up, made a speech yesterday which was covered on no channel we could find and got no coverage even in the liberal media.

In this speech, OSTAQ made two completely contradictory points: first, he said that President Bush should have sent more troops to Iraq. Then, he said that President Bush should pull troops out of Iraq.

You heard right. This lunatic nearly became the leader of the free world.

Senator Kerry’s Speech at Georgetown University

When they could have listened to General Shinseki and put in enough troops to maintain order, they chose not to. They were wrong.


It will be hard for this Administration, but it is essential to acknowledge that the insurgency will not be defeated unless our troop levels are drawn down, starting immediately after successful elections in December.

Now, let's get this straight: we should have sent more troops, but troops we currently have are causing the terrorism so we should bring them home. Got that?

So, according to OSTAQ, he was for more troops before he was against them.

The media missed this story. Luckily for all of us, the media missed the speech, too.

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