Tuesday, October 25, 2005
According to the left, the world is warming to extraordinary proportions (it has - 1 degree in a century), and George W. Bush is to blame for it all despite the fact that the US Senate voted against the Kyoto Protocol in 1997, 99 votes to 0 (some of those darn Downies voted against it, too!).
So, how to explain this story - that the ice caps in Greenland are expanding, not contracting.
Note how ABC News says this is happening "despite global warming." This is just like saying that crime is dropping despite the fact that criminals are being put in prison.
Greenland icecap thickens slightly despite warming
Greenland's ice-cap has thickened slightly in recent years despite wide predictions of a thaw triggered by global warming, a team of scientists said on Thursday.
The 3,000-meter (9,842-feet) thick ice-cap is a key concern in debates about climate change because a total melt would raise world sea levels by about 7 meters. And a runaway thaw might slow the Gulf Stream that keeps the North Atlantic region warm.
But satellite measurements showed that more snowfall was falling and thickening the ice-cap, especially at high altitudes, according to the report in the journal Science.
Glaciers at sea level have been retreating fast because of a warming climate, making many other scientists believe the entire ice-cap was thinning.
"The overall ice thickness changes are … approximately plus 5 cms (1.9 inches) a year or 54 cms (21.26 inches) over 11 years," according to the experts at Norwegian, Russian and U.S. institutes led by Ola Johannessen at the Mohn Sverdrup center for Global Ocean Studies and Operational Oceanography in Norway.
However, they said that the thickening seemed consistent with theories of global warming, blamed by most experts on a build-up of heat-trapping gases from (32.00F).
Note the last pile of crap: according to the story, despite this faux theory of global warming, the fact that ice is growing is wholly consistent with this.
Now, if you have more than 1 brain cell, you know what any rise in temperature change does to ice: it melts it. Ice does not increase if the temperature rises. So, if the world is warming, how can ice be growing?
To liberals, this is consistent with their ridiculous beliefs. Ice grows in warmth. Terrorists are "insurgents." Bush is Hitler, but bin Laden is a great fella.
And liberals shake their heads in wonderment why their ridiculous beliefs and statements continually get laughs. But they are still dangerous fucks.