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Monday, October 31, 2005

It Must Be That Old Culture of Corruption

Another Downie has been investigated - this time for election fraud in of all places Downie-controlled Detroit.

As Nancy Pelosi (D-Fruitpie) says, "This is part of a culture of corruption."

You betcha, Nancy.

Absentee ballots tainted?

Some Detroit voters are incapacitated, without valid addresses, raising question of mayoral election's fairness

A Detroit News investigation raises serious questions about the handling of absentee ballots under Detroit City Clerk Jackie Currie as the city prepares to choose a mayor, City Council and school board Nov. 8.

Currie has been accused of irregular election practices in several lawsuits, and a review of election results, property records and databases of registered voters uncovered procedures that experts and other election officials described as questionable.

Among findings by News reporters were ballots cast by people registered to vote at abandoned and long-demolished buildings; a master voter list with 380,000 incorrect names and addresses -- including people who have died or moved out of the city; and a practice of hand-delivering ballots from senior citizens and disabled voters that were filled out in private meetings with Currie's paid election workers.

If the mayoral race came down to a close vote demanding a recount of absentee ballots, the result could be chaotic.

A black Downie involved in corruption and election fraud! It just cannot be!

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