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Thursday, October 20, 2005

Good News: Profits Plummet at The New York Times

The NY Times used to be one of the most important newspapers in the world. Now it just a sad old leftwing rag whose editors and writers are so out of touch with reality that it is frightening.

So it is good news to hear that the Times is in really bad financial trouble, something getting worse all the time. Could someone tell the Times that when you become a leftwing rag that the world shuts you off? The editors of this paper refuse to listen.

Profit Plummets At N.Y. Times Co.

The New York Times Co. said yesterday that its third-quarter earnings fell more than half from the comparable quarter last year, days after the Times-owned Boston Globe told employees that the paper's national staff is being trimmed to save money.

The Times Co. -- which publishes the New York Times, the Globe and several smaller papers and owns television and radio stations -- reported third-quarter profit of $23.1 million, compared with $48.3 million in the third quarter of 2004. Revenue increased 2.2 percent, to $791 million.

The company blamed the sharp income decline on a soft Boston advertising market, the cost of staff buyouts earlier in the year, printing expenses and the cyclical nature of broadcast advertising, which rises in even-numbered years -- thanks to Olympics and political ads -- and slumps in odd-numbered years.

Check out the excuses for the slide: a "soft Boston advertising market" (not sloppy and slipshod writing by the Times), the "cost of staff buyouts" (also known as paying to get rid of liars whose lies have been exposed), and "the cyclical nature of broadcast advertising, which rises in even-numbered years and slumps in odd-numbered years" (and not just a continual slide, regardless of year).

The Times is out of touch - and will continually be so as long as they trumpet the line as news and not propaganda. Their revenues and profits will continue to slide despite the year or who is buying ads in Boston. And they will go nowhere as long as they employ liars like Jayson Blair and Judith Miller.

But liberals think that the Times is a good newspaper, which proves how far out of touch the left truly is.

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