Wednesday, October 26, 2005
You heard it here first, from the utter nuts, fruits, and flakes of the left who post on the most anti-Semitic and anti-American leftwing website on the web: Dummies Underground.
We have carefully documented the hilarious postings on this site, but now and then the looney tunes there post new levels of disgusting and pathetic lunacy. Here is another new high in low: Saddam is still the legitimate leader of Iraq.
But notice: these whackos think that Bush is illegitimate. Figures.
Like it or not, Saddam is the legitimate head of state in Iraq
Like it or not, Saddam is the legitimate head of state in Iraq. the Invasion that unseated and captured him was illegal.
The sign of the whackjob who posted this is an upside down American flag - one more sign that this is a place for American haters and their fellow terrorist enablers.
Now check out some of the responses to this moronic position:
"LOL, he is MORE legitimate than the bushturd"
"Saddam took his country by force in a brutal fashion but it was completely up front. Everyone knew it was happening and was helpless to change it. Bush* took office by deceit and corruption and held it through propaganda in the extreme. Legitimacy does not necessarily mean no blood loss. Saddam ruled his country for over twenty five years. He was acknowledged as the legitimate ruler by virtually every country on earth. I will never acknowledge Bush* as legitimate."
"The election may be totally bogus (he got 100% of the votes!), but he's the elected president of Iraq."
And in response to the fact that rightwing sites like this one link to the garbage that these losers post, one imbecile notes:
"I frankly don't give half a runny shit whether freepers laugh or not. I hope if they do, they all choke on their Cheetos and die."
You can just feel the love from the left.