Monday, October 31, 2005
The British media, after years of being led around by toady liberals who hate America, make "documentaries" on alleged crimes by America.
Now, they are trying their hand at post-Katrina commentary.
Check out this utterly disgusting program, and its description:
Dispatches: The Hurricane That Shamed America
The Hurricane That Shamed America asks why the response from the US government was so woefully inadequate when there was sufficient warning about hurricane Katrina. With more than 100,000 people stranded without aid, the lives of those abandoned by the authorities soon depended on the ad-hoc efforts of those on the ground.
The film features the stories of those who rose heroically to the challenge, while elsewhere the social attitudes of the American south came into play. The majority of those left behind were poor African Americans and rumours of violence and anarchy quickly spread, hindering the relief effort. However, Dispatches reveals the reports of anarchy were almost entirely unfounded.
The murder rate in New Orleans in the week following Katrina was actually lower than normal. The Hurricane that Shamed America reveals an America still governed by divisions of race and wealth, and hopelessly ill-equipped to confront major disasters.
Imagine if the American media did a program about the abysmal British health care system. Or the way the British people are raped by fees for the BBC or for gasoline, now at $6.00 USD a gallon. Or how they allowed foot and mouth disease to spread.
Of course, Americans are too good to expose the ridiculousness of other countries. The leftist British media is not as good. They come over here looking for trouble to report on, and put a leftist slant on it that makes one sickened.