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Monday, October 24, 2005

Brazil Rejects Socialist Pap, Votes Down Ban on Guns

Despite electing a Socialist lunatic, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, as President, the people of Brazil wised up when Lulu, er, Lula, pushed a complete ban on all handguns and other guns in his country, and they smartly voted it down 2 to 1. And there is no constitutional protection for guns in Brazil...this is key as to the support for the right to have arms in this country, where it is protected by the 2nd Amendment.

Brazilian Voters Reject Ban on Gun Sales, Early Results Show

Brazilian voters rejected a proposal to ban retail sales of guns and ammunition in a nationwide referendum today, early results show.

The national elections authority said 64 percent of vote went against the measure while 36 percent favored stopping the sale of firearms and ammunition to most Brazilians. The balloting marks the first time a country put a gun-control measure to a popular vote, according to the human-rights group Amnesty International.

"Banning the sale of guns won't reduce crime," Marcio Fernando Ribeiro, an unemployed 23-year-old, said in an interview after casting his vote in the Sao Paulo suburb of Osasco. "What can reduce violence is to produce enough jobs for people," he said.

Advocates of the law included President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who said the ban was needed help curb the country's rising violence. Defeat of the proposal would be a vote against the government and underscore that Lula is moving in directions that lack popular support, Bene Barbosa, president of Viva Brasil, a civic group that worked to defeat the ban, said before the voters went to the polls.

Once again, a leftist thug overreached to try to take away the rights of people. And he has been slapped down. Leftists in this country have tried time and time again to do this in America, and it costs them at the polls. Luckily for the rest of us, they are a minority. And hopefully they will stay that way.

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