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Monday, October 17, 2005

Blackjob Roundup: This Past Weekend and The 10,000 Moron March

10 years ago, "Calypso Louis" Farrakhan and his band of Jew-hating black imbeciles held the "million man march," which drew about 100,000 fellow imbeciles. So, in fact it was the "100,000 man march."

This past weekend, they held a rally to commemorate it, and about 10,000 idiots showed up - yet, these blackjobs (black whackjobs) called it the "millions more movement."

No, Jewhater Farrakhan: It is the "10,000 Moron Movement (TMM)."

But, let us check out the TMM website, and their "demands," piece by piece:

The Issues of The Millions More Movement

1. Unity. We call, first, for the unity amongst Black peoples and organizations. We call for unity amongst all African peoples and peoples of African descent worldwide. We call for unity with our Brown, Red, disenfranchised and oppressed Brothers and Sisters in America, Caribbean, Central and South America, Asia and all over the world. “The Power of One” is the synthesis of men, women, youth and elders working in unity for our total liberation.

Wow - blacks should be unified. How about they become Americans, too? And work to better America? Did they mention that? Nope.

2. Spiritual Values. We call for Atonement, Reconciliation and Responsibility. We organize in the name of our God (The One Creator) and on sound ethical, moral principles and values. Our Movement affirms the rich legacy and diversity of our spiritual traditions and calls for unity and understanding among our religious faiths and spiritual traditions.

Again, no big deal. "Ethical and moral principles and values"? Anti-Semitism? Hating white people? Shaking down corporations to make Jesse Jackass a rich man? Those are not values.

3. Education. We demand an end to substandard education in our community. The Millions More Movement advocates, and will develop, a new, independent educational paradigm for our people. We must have a knowledge of self, our history, and the best education in civilized society. We will build a skills bank, the talent of which will be used in the development of our people.

Of course people want an end to "substandard education" - but blacks and their willing idiots in the Downtrodden party (in Oakland, California, for instance) push "ebonics" as a language for poor black children. That is making sure they stay in substandard educational facilities. Affirmative action? Doesn't work. More bullshit.

4. Economic Development. We will establish a Black Economic Development Fund, with the support of millions, to aid in building an economic infrastructure. We will also offer housing ownership opportunities to check the adverse tide of gentrification. The Millions More Movement will produce and distribute its own products and supports “Buy Black” campaigns.

Notice the wording: support a "buy black" campaign. Imagine if white people, or Asians, or Hispanics, launched "Buy White," or "Buy Asian," or "Buy Hispanic" campaigns. This is how blacks want to Balkanize America and make more problems for this country.

5. Political Power. The Millions More Movement is the political voice of the poor and disenfranchised. We are resolved to take an independent political path in order to achieve political power. The Millions More Movement will be an organized political force of consequence in America and all over the world.

Interesting. Now, who made these 10,000 Imbeciles the "political voice of the poor and enfranchised"? Maybe "Calypso Louis" named himself. What else is new?

6. Reparations. We demand full and complete Reparations for the descendants of slaves. We demand that America take the appropriate steps to help in the repair of the damage done from 300 years of slavery, 100 years of segregation, and 50 years of the misuse and abuse of governmental power to destroy Black organizations and leaders.

Yup - its the old black American whine: we were slaves, give us millions of dollars in reparations, la la la la la la.

So, in a break with my fellow Americans, I agree that we should offer Reparations.

For every person who can prove that they were a slave before being freed at the end of the Civil War, we offer that person alone $1 million in reparations. No family members or descendants can apply - only those directly affected by being a slave.

I await the lines of blacks who fall in this category.

7. Prison Industrial Complex. We demand freedom for all political prisoners held in U.S. prisons and detention facilities, both foreign and domestic. We demand an end to police brutality, mob attacks, racial profiling, the herding of our young men and women into prisons and the biological and chemical warfare perpetrated against our people.

Unfortunately, blacks consider any black who commits a crime as a "political prisoner."

Notice that there is no demand to end black crime, black on black crime, or riots by black thugs in places like Toledo, Ohio.


8. Health. We demand an end to the lack of adequate health care in our community and we demand free health care for the descendants of slaves in this nation. The Millions More Movement will present a Preventive Health Care Plan to our people that will begin with a campaign to educate our people on healthy dietary, eating and exercise habits.

Ah - they demand "free health care for the descendants of slaves." So, these 10,000 Imbeciles wants millions in reparations AND free health care.

I have a simple piece of advice: for those who made these demands, head to Cuba. They will love you there.

9. Artistic/ Cultural Development. We demand a greater accountability and responsibility of our artists, entertainers, industry personnel and executives, for them to commit to the redevelopment and upliftment of our people. We demand an end to the exploitation of our talent by outside forces. We will make strides in obtaining greater control over the means of production and distribution of our immense artistic talent and creative genius. We advocate for cultural development, and for the knowledge of our original culture to be used as a model for future advancement.

So, the TMM demands "greater accountability and responsibility of our artists." Would that include rap singers who sing of killing cops, raping women, etc.? We doubt it. But check out this phrase: "We will make strides in obtaining greater control over the means of production..." That is boilerplate straight out of the old socialist crappola of the 1930s and 1940s. Perhaps the TMM has not advanced in 70 years?

10. Peace. We call for the establishment of peace in the world. We demand an end to wars of foreign aggression waged by the United States Government against other sovereign nations and peoples. We demand an end to senseless violence, and advocate peace amongst street organizations (gangs) and youth.

They call for peace in the world! And they also call for Santa Claus to be arrested for only giving gifts to rich white people! And they want peace between gangs! Perhaps they can send an emissary to Toledo, Ohio, to tell the black gangs there to stop rioting.

So, that's it - a plan of hilarity and inaction. But what can one expect from the excrement known as the brain of "Calypso Louis" Farrakhan?

While we are speaking of excrement, let's check in with some of "Louis' Greatest Hits," a compilation of some of this blackjob's most ridiculous comments on white people:

Farrakhan In His Own Words

Remarks at Shelter for Hurricane Katrina Victims, Charlotte Coliseum, Charlotte, North Carolina, 9/12/05
“I heard from a very reliable source that under that levee there was a 25 foot hole, which suggested that it may have been blown up, so that the water would destroy the black part of town, and where the whites lived, it would be dry.”

Power Center, Houston, Texas, 9/11/05
“FEMA is too White to represent us and so is the Red Cross.”

Millions More Movement rally, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 8/31/05
“I’m not an anti-Semite, I never have been one. I do not hate the Jewish people; put that down! What I hate is the degree of control that they exercise over Black intellectual, cultural expression. I do not think that no human being should determine how high we can go, that can only be determined by God and by us; not by no white man, no black man, no human being [crowd cheers].”

Saviours’ Day: Chicago, 02/27/05
“Listen, Jewish people don’t have no hands that are free of the blood of us. They owned slave ships, they bought and sold us. They raped and robbed us. If you can’t face that, why you gonna condemn me for showing you your past, how then can you atone and repent if somebody don’t open the book with courage, you don’t have that, but I’ll be damned, I got it.”

12th Annual Pre-Kwanzaa Festival held by Cops Against Police Brutality, Newark, New Jersey, 12/11/04

Jews, Israel and the War in Iraq

“The war in Iraq is not your war; that’s Israel’s war... The rudder that is turning America is not your elected officials; it’s that small influential group of neo-conservatives that are using America’s power to destroy the enemies of Israel.”

Ninth Holy Day of Atonement Speech, Chicago Mosque Maryam, October 17, 2004

Jews and the 2004 Elections

“Kerry said we should have been focusing on Iran. Now, what do you mean by that, Mr. Kerry? See, Iran, Syria, Iraq are enemies of Israel because they do not believe that the stealing of Palestinian lands is justified by Bible or Qur’an. And there are some Orthodox Jews who share that view. I listen to George Bush talk to AIPAC, and I listen to John Kerry talk to B’nai B’rith, the Anti-Defamation League. Both of them talking the same thing. They’re sworn to protect Israel.”

And "Calypso Louis" represents the mainstream of the Downtrodden Party.

And speaking of lunacy, check out what "Calypso Louis" said on Fox News (of all places) on how he came up with the idea of the "Hundred Thousand Moron March":

Farrakhan's Take on the Breaching of the New Orleans Levees

ASMAN: Right. Well, let me just ask you, I was reading a transcript of a speech you gave at the National Press Club, where you say the idea for this came about from a vision, in which you said the desire of President Reagan concerning the planning of a war involving young black men here on the soil of America, this is what inspired me to tour the country and this is what eventually led to the Million Man March on October 16, 1995. What was that vision all about?

FARRAKHAN: Well, I was in a tiny village in Mexico on the 17th of September, 1985. And I had a vision-like experience climbing a mountain there, on the top of which is a temple to the Mexo-American Christ figure, Ketso Quato. And one of these little UFOs came over that mountain and I was signaled from a group of persons to come. And I was beamed up into that small vehicle and carried to a larger vehicle, where I heard the voice of my leader and teacher, the Honorable Elijah Mohamed, saying these words to me, in early September, the president met with his joint chiefs of staff to plan a war. He didn't tell me who the war was against or what not. But early in the next year, it came to me while I was in Ghana that this war was against Libya and Libya's leader Muammar Qaddafi. So I went there and warned him of what was about to take place. And it did take place. And the following year, sir, I was sitting on an airplane, I happened to pick up the The New York Times magazine section, and it said America planned war against Libya, and down in the writing it said ...

So, this is proof positive of something we have believed for some time: "Calypso Louis" Farrakhan is an alien, and he needs to be sent back to whatever fucked up planet he came from. And quick, before he makes more of a mess down here.

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