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Thursday, September 22, 2005

Who Said the Following?

Listen carefully, read the words, and try and see if you know who said this:

Bush, in his dealing with ... the devastating Hurricane Katrina, which revealed to the entire world the great helplessness in dealing with the destruction caused by this hurricane, because of the tremendous attrition of the American army's resources in Iraq and Afghanistan. This hurricane has once again brought to mind the manifestations of racial discrimination among the American people, and has exposed the fragility of the foundations upon which it is structured. The acts of assault and killings have spread, as well as robbery and looting, and what is still to come will be even more terrible...

Now...was it:

1) Hillary Clinton.
2) Howard Dean.
3) John Kerry.
4) Al Gore.
5) None of the above.

The answer? 5) None of the above.

It was, instead, uttered by terrorist Abu Musad al-Zarqawi.

Zarqawi declares "Total War"

It is so hard to tell these whackjobs apart...between Kerry, Dean, Gore, Clinton, or Zarqawi, they all sound alike.

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