Monday, September 26, 2005
The BBC, in their zeal to protect Islamic terrorist scum from being prosecuted for their ideas of killing innocent people, are refusing to hand over tapes of interviews with several Islamobombos who are currently inside Great Britain.
BBC refuses to hand over Islamist tape
The BBC was facing a clash with the Metropolitan Police last night after refusing to hand over videotapes to prosecutors investigating two Muslim clerics suspected of inciting violence.
The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) has instructed the Met to obtain the full, unedited 'rushes' of interviews with two controversial Islamic preachers, broadcast in August on Newsnight
The CPS wants to establish whether there are grounds to prosecute Abu Uzair, a former leading light of the radical al-Muhajiroun movement and a leader of the Saviour Sect, an Islamic group whose members include those who have allegedly endorsed suicide bombings. Prosecutors are also considering bringing a case against another radical cleric, Abu Izzadeen.
Uzair told Newsnight: 'We don't live in peace with you any more. The banner has been risen for jihad inside the UK.' In the same programme, Izzadeen said the bombings would make people 'wake up and smell the coffee'. The interviews prompted widespread public revulsion.
The CPS has considered bringing a number of charges against the two, including incitement to treason, solicitation of murder and incitement to withhold information known to be of use to police. The Met approached Newsnight requesting copies of the interviews earlier this month, but the programme declined to hand over the full material. However, it is believed to have offered transcripts of the broadcast.
On 9 September, an application was made to recover all the interview material.
But last night the BBC showed little sign it was prepared to give up the tapes without a fight. 'The Metropolitan Police has agreed to provide us with further information so we can consider its application properly,' said a spokeswoman for the programme.
She declined to comment further, but it is believed the broadcaster believes handing over the material could compromise its journalistic independence.
"Journalistic independence"? Are these people kidding? They are slaves to anti-American and anti-Semitic ideals.
Here's an idea: haul the heads of the BBC and the reporters before a judge and demand they hand over the tapes. When they refuse, hold them in contempt and throw their commie asses in prison until they comply. Show them that protecting terrorists will not work anymore in civilized nations.