Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Israel gave the Palestinians the remainder of the Gaza Strip. The Pallies are supposed to now disarm all of their "militants" such as Islamic Jihad and Hamas.
But the Palestinian "Authority" is refusing to disarm them - and now Hamas is firing rockets into Israel.
Israel has finally had it with Palestinian scumbag terrorists - and it looks like the world is about to let them deal with it as Israel sees fit.
No let-up on Gaza offensive: Israel
GAZA, SEPTEMBER 27: Israel fired more missiles into Gaza on Tuesday and vowed no respite in an offensive to halt renewed cross-border rocket salvoes by Palestinian militants.
After air strikes destroyed two bridges and two buildings Israel said were used by militants, Defence Minister Shaul Mofaz said militants “will be hit again and again until they understand there are new rules to the game.”
Israel launched a new air strike after darkness fell on Tuesday, firing at a site in northern Gaza from where Palestinians have launched rockets at Israel, the army said. Palestinian militants struck back, sending another rocket crashing into southern Israel, the Israeli army said.
To Israel:
Hit these maggots again, and again, and again.