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Thursday, September 29, 2005

Ed Koch: The "Peace Mom" Is a Menace to America

Ed Koch, the former mayor of New York City, is a liberal - but he endorsed President Bush in the 2004 election because he realized the threat that John Kerry posed to this country. And while he remains a liberal, Koch sees the new danger posed by radical psycho Cindy Sheehan and her Marxist followers.

Speak Up, America

Cindy Sheehan, whose son Casey was killed in action in Iraq on April 4, 2004, has become the face of the anti-war movement in the United States. While her grief is understandable, her rhetoric is outrageous.

As the mother of a son killed in battle in Iraq, she originally struck a sympathetic chord, whether you supported the war in Iraq or opposed it. One cannot help but empathize with the agony of a bereaved mother. But that has changed over the months, and I believe that many Americans who viewed her with sympathy no longer do so.

Many Americans, myself included, now see her as a person who has come to enjoy the celebratory status accorded to her by the radicals on the extreme left who see America as the outlaw of the world. These radicals are not content to be constructive critics. They are bent on destroying this country.

As is always said, read the whole thing.

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