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Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Voter Rolls in New York Found to Be Rife with Fraud

The Downies continue to scream that their voters have been "disenfranchised" in the last two presidential elections by Republicans. Well, here is news for them: those voter rolls, specifically in New York City, are rife with fraudulent names and addresses:

City Voter Rolls Riddled With Doubtful Registrations

Dozens of voters have registered in New York City claiming to reside at addresses that correspond to city, state, and federal office buildings, public and private schools, churches and clerical offices, and major cultural attractions, a review of Board of Elections records conducted by The New York Sun found.

In addition to questionable residences, the search unearthed curious names given by registrants, including "Donald Duck," "Elmer J. Fudd," "Isaac Newton," "Napoleon Bonaparte," "Rhett Butler," and "Jesus Christ."

Donald Duck? Elmer J. Fudd? Aren't these the same names that Downies regularly put up as their presidential candidates?

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