Monday, August 22, 2005
This is not some crazed post saying that Cindy Sheehan is working with bin Laden. But like a conspiracy that is wide-ranging, if one part is working for something and another is doing the same thing, they are working on a similar program, despite the fact that they never meet.
So when we find that in April 2005 Cindy Sheehan, American Psycho and anti-Semite, was speaking on behalf of terrorist attorney Lynne Stewart, we wonder aloud at how wide-ranging this conspiracy truly is.
Follow this: Lynne Stewart is a far, far left-wing attorney who defended Omar Abdel Rahman, the "blind sheik" who helped to mastermind the 1993 World Trade Center attack. Despite Stewart's rantings, Rahman and his Muslim thugs were convicted and sentenced to life in prison. Later, it was discovered that Stewart had taken messages from Rahman and delivered them to his allies outside the US, who then passed them on to Osama bin Laden, Rahman's employer and boss. Indicted in 2001 for her aid to Rahman, Stewart was convicted in February 2005 of all five counts of aiding and abetting terrorism.
Stewart was a cohort of Wiliam Kunstler, the formerly alive leftist who defended the Islamic murderer of Jewish radical Meir Kahane. Kunstler took funds from Hamas and bin Laden to defend Kahane's killer, and got him off on the worst charges.
End of story? Not at all. We discover that two months after she was convicted, Stewart (who has yet to be sentenced, and is allowed to run around and enable more terrorism) appeared at San Francisco State University in Lala Land with...guess who? Cindy Sheehan, the new heroine of the American-hating Left.
For some information and photos, see this story on
So, we see a picture shaping up here: Cindy Sheehan and the American-hating Left to Lynne Stewart to Omar Abdel Rahman to Osama bin Laden.
Crazy? Well, the American media seems to have loved it when Hillary Clinton spoke of a "vast right-wing conspiracy." Notice that as they hype Cindy Sheehan and her "Hate America Tour" of nonsense, they refuse to show the truth of a vast left-wing conspiracy whose goals are to ruin America and then destroy it.