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Monday, August 08, 2005

Pathetic Leftists Try to Emulate Conservatives

80 liberals each pledge $1 million for alliance

WASHINGTON - At least 80 wealthy liberals have pledged to contribute at least $1 million each to fund a network of think tanks and advocacy groups, to compete with the potent conservative infrastructure built up during the last three decades.

The money will be channeled through a new partnership called the Democracy Alliance, founded last spring in a series of liberal initiatives as the Democratic Party and its allies struggle with the loss of power in Congress and the White House. Many influential Democratic contributors were left angry and despairing about the party's poor showing in last year's elections, and are looking for more effective ways to invest their support.

Financial commitments totaling at least $80 million in the next five years at a time when some other liberal groups, such as the George Soros-backed America Coming Together, are floundering — suggest the Democracy Alliance is becoming a player in the long-term effort to reinvigorate the left. The group has a goal of raising $200 million, a sum that would inevitably come partly at the expense of more traditional Democratic groups.

Alliance chairman Steven Gluckstern, a retired investment banker, said President Bush's victory over Sen. John Kerry after millions were put into pro-Democratic "527" groups caused many contributors to think that a dramatically new approach was needed.

"It wasn't only the failure to win, it was the question 'what does it take to win?' " Gluckstern said. "Among the lessons learned was that to bring back the progressive majority in this country is not just a periodic election investment strategy."

The left gets more pathetic by the day. Remember, folks: this is the crowd that wants to control this country. God help us all if that comes to pass.

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