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Monday, August 08, 2005

More Religion of PeaceTM News

And now, something new: How Muslims continue to fuck up the world for everyone else.

First up: Scotland Yard is deciding whether or not to arrest three Muslim "clerics" (i.e., thugs) in Britain for continuing to call for terrorism despite the July 7 attacks in London.

Preachers may face treason charges over 7/7

Officials from the Crown Prosecution Service will hold talks with Scotland Yard this week on whether to bring charges of incitement to treason against three Islamic clerics. Ken Macdonald, QC, the Director of Public Prosecutions, is studying remarks in the media and in sermons by the clerics to see if a prosecution should be mounted.

He has held discussions with Lord Goldsmith, QC, the Attorney-General, and within the next few days the head of the CPS’s anti-terrorism branch will meet officers from Scotland Yard to discuss possible charges.

The prosecuting authorities are focusing on whether action can be brought against Omar Bakri Mohammed, Abu Izzadeen and Abu Uzair.

The prosecutors are likely to seek access to tapes made by an undercover Sunday Times reporter who reportedly recorded members of the radical Saviour Sect praising the bombers who killed themselves and 52 people on July 7 as “the fantastic four”.

But...shock of shocks! of these three pieces of excrement decided to amscray back to his shithole in Lebanon:

Treason threat cleric leaves UK

A controversial Islamic cleric has left the UK for the Middle East, his spokesman has said, amid speculation he would be investigated for treason.

Sheikh Omar Bakri Mohammed - former head of radical group Al Muhajiroun - left on Saturday for Lebanon, his colleague Anjem Choudary told the BBC.

Tony Blair had warned Mr Mohammed's organisation faced a potential ban under new anti-terrorism measures.

Mr Choudary said the cleric believed "Britain had declared war on Muslims".

Britain has not "declared war on Muslims" - they have declared war on extremist Islam. But if such threats get maggots like Bakri to run for their lives, so much the better.

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