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Sunday, August 21, 2005

More Lunatic News from The Religion of PeaceTM

Every day, more news comes forward that despite the attacks on innocent civilians world-wide, much of the world still refuses - absolutely refuses - to take direct action against the Islamic maggots who wish to destroy the world unless they can force us all to become Muslims. Even in Britain, where suicide bombers killed 50+ people less than 2 months ago, the Blair government is still playing footsie with Islamic lunatics in their country.

It is one more story that shows that perhaps until a nuclear weapon goes off, no one really wants to take these Muslim psychos seriously.

Muslim Group Slams BBC Portrayal of Islam

LONDON - Britain's most powerful Islamic body criticized a television documentary broadcast Sunday that accused the country's Muslim leaders of ignoring the spread of extremism within their communities.


The British Broadcasting Corp's Panorama documentary said groups affiliated with the Muslim Council of Britain, the country's most powerful Islamic body, were peddling hard-line, intolerant religious views.

The council's Secretary General Sir Iqbal Sacranie said the program was "deeply unfair" and was "purposefully trying to sabotage" Muslims' progress in mainstream political participation.

Sir Iqbal, who was knighted this year and is viewed as the voice of moderate Islam by the British government, said: "The MCB urges British Muslims to remain calm and vigilant in the face of recent concerted attempts being made by known hostile elements to divide them."

Sir Iqbal also condemned suicide bombings by British Muslims anywhere and said there was no difference between the life of a Palestinian and the life of a Jew and all life was "sacred."

The council — an umbrella organization with more than 400 affiliated groups — already has written to the BBC claiming the documentary has a "pro-Israeli agenda," he said.

The hilarity here is that this pinhead was knighted by Queen Elizabeth as a sop to the Muslim make them feel a "part" of England. He is considered a "moderate" - such as moderate who advocates killing a million people instead of a billion. Or a Goebbels instead of Hitler himself.

Now, also in England, the Blair government has named some Muslim to a position to "root out extremism" in Britain. And who did they pick? An Islamic extremist who has made some of the worst anti-Semitic remarks.

Again - Tony Blair is not serious about rooting out Islamic terrorism. If he was, this man would be arrested and expelled, not promoted to a position of authority.

Top job fighting extremism for Muslim who praised bomber

A Muslim accused of anti-Semitism is to be appointed to a government role in charge of rooting out extremism in the wake of last month's suicide bombings in London.

Inayat Bunglawala, 36, the media secretary for the Muslim Council of Britain, is understood to have been selected as one of seven "conveners" for a Home Office task force with responsibilities for tackling extremism among young Muslims, despite a history of anti-Semitic statements.

Mr Bunglawala's past comments include the allegation that the British media was "Zionist-controlled".

Writing for a Muslim youth magazine in 1992, he said: "The chairman of Carlton Communications is Michael Green of the Tribe of Judah. He has joined an elite club whose members include fellow Jews Michael Grade [then the chief executive of Channel 4 and now BBC chairman] and Alan Yentob [BBC2 controller and friend of Salman Rushdie]."

The three are reported to be "close friends… so that's what they mean by a 'free media'."

Write to Prime Minister Blair: tell him that this man is a radical anti-Semite and terrorist enabler. He should not be working for the government - he should be arrested.

Now, American enablers of Islamic terrorism are trying to force Islam into the courts: the ACLU, the most dangerous anti-American organization in existence, hates Christians and Jews, demanding they keep their religion out of the lives of everyone - but when it comes to Islam, they are strangely interested in forcing it down all of our throats. The Muslims want to be able to swear on Korans in court.

Here's a word to Muslims: take your fucking book and leave already, why don't you? And take the ACLU with you.

Debate Brews Over Use of Koran in Court

Traditionally, witnesses taking the stand in court are sworn in by placing their hand on the Bible.

But when Muslims in Guilford County, N.C., tried to donate copies of the Koran for courtroom use, judges turned them down.

Chief District Court Judge Joseph Turner says taking an oath on the Koran is not allowed by North Carolina state law, which specifies that witnesses shall place their hands on the “holy scriptures,” which he interprets as the Christian Bible.

“We’ve been doing it that way for 200 years,” he said. “Until the legislature changes that law, I believe I have to do what I’ve been told to do in the statutes.”

But the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the American Civil Liberties Union are challenging the Guilford County Courts.

“This was the first time that we had a judge … going on record and stating unilaterally what is a holy scripture and what is not — what we believe to be a violation of the establishment clause,” said Arsalan Iftikhar of CAIR.

Let's hope that the courts in North Carolina tell the terrorists in CAIR and the ACLU to go fuck themselves.

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