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Monday, August 15, 2005

Leftwing Lunatic Round-Up

We at Joobo love to keep our readers aware of what is going on in the world of leftwing lunacy - and if you check the news daily, you will find tons of fodder to keep anyone depressed at the state of liberalism.

Today, two stories showing that the American left is still delusional, should NEVER be allowed to control the United States ( at least not for the immediate future), and that they are allying themselves with racists to get their message out.

Story one: Howard "Duckie" Dean, chairman of the Downtrodden National Committee, says that Iraq today is no better off for its people than when Saddam Hussein was killing them by the tens of thousands. Is Howie disturbed? Nope - he is just a liberal, and his thoughts are what most liberals believe.

And that is what is truly, truly frightening.

Dean's latest

Howard Dean, the Democratic National Committee chairman who was the hero of his party's anti-war wing before his gaffe-prone 2004 presidential candidacy crashed and burned in Iowa, still doesn't think the Iraqis are better off with dictator Saddam Hussein out of power and in prison.

Appearing on CBS' "Face the Nation" yesterday, the fiery former Vermont governor said, "It looks like today, and this could change, as of today it looks like women will be worse off in Iraq than they were when Saddam Hussein was president of Iraq."

Mr. Dean was the guy who said right after Saddam was found hiding in a "spider hole" that his capture by U.S. troops "has not made America safer," a statement ridiculed and condemned by most of his Democratic rivals at the time.

In a brief statement yesterday, the Republican National Committee said, "Dean's wild assertion that Iraqi women would be better off living under Saddam Hussein than democracy is not only counterproductive to meaningful debate, it demeans the hard work of American servicemen and women serving in Iraq."

Now check out the story below that: another Downie has switched sides and joined the this case, a member of the Georgia House of Representatives, giving the GOP firmer control over that house.

The moral of these two seemingly unrelated stories? Howard Dean continues to act like the psycho lunatic that he is, and Downies disenchanted with their silly party continue to bail out for the Republican Party.

Next up, we find that former KKK head and racist Jew-hating bigot David Duke, who was once a Republican but was thrown out of the party as soon as he announced as one, is now siding with anti-Semitic lowlife Cindy Sheehan, who blames Israel for her son's death at the hands of Islamic terrorists in Iraq. This allows Duke, a notorious Jew-hater, to side with his fellow anti-Semite and appear to be at the forefront of the anti-war movement.

Hmmm...leftists siding with a racist and bigot. Who'd a thunk it?

Why Cindy Sheehan is Right!

Cindy Sheehan, a mother who lost a son in the Iraq War, is determined to prevent other mothers and fathers from experiencing the same loss.

Courageously she has gone to Texas near the ranch of President Bush and braved the elements and a hostile Jewish supremacist media to demand a meeting with him and a good explanation why her son and other’s sons and daughters must die and be disfigured in a war for Israel rather than for America.

Recently, she had the courage to state the obvious that her son signed up in the military to protect America not to die for Israel.

David Duke can now become a Downie. He has their ear, and their sympathies. Good riddance to him.

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