Friday, August 26, 2005
Good news is upon all of the civilized world at last: Hamas, that group of nutties who blow themselves up to get the chance to have sex with 72
I say: let them kill each other. The fewer Pallies, the better for the rest of the world except for France.
Hamas warns of Gaza 'intifada' after pullout
With the departure of their common Israeli enemy, inter-Palestinian divisions could flare up into fresh bloodshed, militants in the impoverished Gaza Strip warned.
"If the Palestinian Authority cannot meet the people's basic needs, there will be a new intifada not against Israel but among ourselves," said Fathi Hamad, a local leader of radical movement Hamas in the Jabaliya refugee camp.
"There will be a huge popular uprising," he predicted. "Hamas is preparing for mass demonstrations."
As a Hamas leader in Gaza's largest and most poverty-ridden camp, one of the areas that has suffered most during the five years of Israeli-Palestinian fighting, Hamad said the Palestinian Authority only speaks for some of the people.
He predicted victory for Hamas in January's legislative elections, the first time the Islamist movement has run in parliamentary polls.
"We are a part of this people and we have to participate in the Palestinian government, even though Europe and the United States are against this. Our leaders cannot impose anything on us," he said.
As they say, a dead Palestinian is a good Palestinian.