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Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Hawaiian-Only Admissions School Struck Down As "Unconstitutional"

Court: Kamehameha Admissions 'Illegal'

The U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Tuesday that Kamehameha Schools' policy of giving preference to Hawaiians is illegal, saying the admission policy is nothing short of race discrimination. The decision marks a big defeat for Kamehameha and may have wide-reaching implications well beyond the schools' three campuses.

The face of Kamehameha Schools may change dramatically if Tuesday's court ruling stands. Kamehameha is widely recognized as one of the best schools in the state. Until now, almost every student enrolled had to be Native Hawaiian, but that may change.

It is surely incredible that the 9th Circuit, the worst appeals court in the nation, was behind this decision. However, it should be cheered by all who want equality for all. We can bet that liberals will be outraged by the decision.

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