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Monday, August 08, 2005

Downies Have Their 2006 Platform Firmed Up: "Elect Us and We Will Impeach President Bush"

Downies have no sense of history. If they had, they would stay away from the word "impeachment" - after all, it did wonders for the Republicans in the 1998 mid-term elections.

But Downies are so pathetic, and so hard-up to win back control of Congress, that they are willing to do just about anything to get elected - even threaten the use of impeachment if they get control of the US House.

Hinchey at Town Hall: Bush using scare tactics

Congressman Maurice Hinchey (D-22) attacked the Bush administration on Saturday, accusing it of trying to scare people within the government and among the population at large in order to garner support for the war in Iraq.

But, as we like say, check out the money quote from Fucking Lunatic Hinchey:

After his speech, which lasted just over half an hour, Hinchey opened the floor to questions from the audience. He was asked what he felt was the greatest hope for the future.

“My greatest hope is that all of these things will be revealed, they will be revealed in a very direct and legal context, and that in 2006 a Democratic majority will be elected to the House of Representatives, and in February of 2006 impeachment proceedings will begin.”

Hinchey is such an imbecile that he doesn't know the difference between 2006 and 2007. If the Downies took control of the House in November 2006, they would not be able to have hearings until January 2007.

But notice that Hinchey does not say that the election of Downies will bring changes to the House, or the betterment of the American people. He wants control so his party can impeach President Bush.

I hope someone videotaped this, and sends it to the RNC, so they can use it in commercials. Let the American people see what voting for Hinchey and his fellow leftist morons will get them.

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