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Thursday, August 04, 2005

Downies Claim That Hackett Loss is a "Victory"

As we said a few days ago, in Liberal World, a loss is a win, no matter how much the loss, if it is less of a loss than was expected. Confused? Of course you are - unless you are a liberal, and then you would understand such nonsense.

So it comes with great hilarity than Howard "Aaaaarrrggg!" Dean, chairman of the Downtrodden National Committee, wrote to us a lovely e-mail (no link - sorry) with the title (get ready for this one) of "Proof: Our 50 State Strategy Works."

I almost spilled my coffee when this one came in.

Dear ______,

Your mandate to fight everywhere had its first test last night.

Marine Major Paul Hackett ran for Congress in a special election in the most Republican district in Ohio. Republicans vowed to "bury" him, pundits wrote him off, and the conventional wisdom asked why Democrats would even bother to put up a fight.

But then something happened. With the infrastructure of local organizers we're building in Ohio and every other state, the most Republican district in Ohio became the most competitive district in Ohio -- a district where Bush won in 2004 by a margin of two to one. We energized thousands of grassroots volunteers and small donors in Ohio and across the country. We made our stand and we fought.

No, Paul Hackett didn't get elected to Congress yesterday. But he received 48.2 percent of the vote in a district where the Democratic candidate received only half that in the last four elections.

The formula is simple. Paul Hackett didn't apologize for being a Democrat, didn't hold back from criticizing a president who has failed to lead in Iraq and at home, and took a strong Democratic message into the heart of a Republican stronghold.

This district used to be written off. Now we have a network of Democrats, independents, and sensible Republicans who are tired of the out-of-touch Republican leadership and its culture of corruption. It proves that we can compete everywhere - if we show up and fight, and give people a real choice.

This unprecedented result shows that Americans are hungry for change. In the words of one political analyst, Hackett's performance in supposedly safe Republican district means that something is "very, very wrong" for Republicans in 2006.

That's absolutely true. It also means that something is very, very right with our democracy.

For too long, we have conceded huge pieces of this country to the Republicans. No more. When we roll up our sleeves and fight we can compete everywhere -- and we will.

We're just getting started. We have moved people and resources into 25 states so far, and we are on our way into the next 25. We're building a permanent infrastructure to organize and build the Democratic base in every single precinct in the country -- an operation that will not disappear after a single election.

This effort is unprecedented and will fundamentally change the way our party does business. But the only way to do this building the community of people who have Democracy Bonds. A Democracy Bond is a commitment to give a small amount every month to build and sustain the Democratic Party everywhere.

Thousands of people have made the commitment already and are using tools on to grow the community and track their progress. If you want to fight everywhere, now is the time to join the Democracy Bonds community:

Thank you for everything you do.

Governor Howard Dean, M.D.

Did you see that we didn't comment on this one?

But let us examine the title of this e-mail: "Proof: Our 50 State Strategy Works."

Proof, right? Is a loss proof that a strategy is working? Is that really where a party which claims to want to come back into power in the national government wants to go to sell its program? "Elect us, because our strategy of electing people has worked even though we lost seats, just by less than we thought."

But take notice - Dean says "something happened" that he wants his fans to know about.

Yep, Howie, something did happen - YOUR MAN LOST. He could lose by 4 points, he could lose by 40 points...and in the end, he still LOST. And in politics, as it is anywhere else, a loss is a loss is a loss is a loss. It is not a win, or some strange victory, or anything else. It is a loss, spelled L-O-S-S.

Imagine if you are a baseball team, it is the bottom of the ninth, and you are winning, 6-5, and you are three outs from the World Series. Yet the other team comes from behind, scores 5 runs, and wins, 10-6. You are crushed. You have lost.

But someone tells you that your loss was a victory - because you weren't supposed to win anyway, and instead of losing 20-6, you lost by 10-6.

Now, if you are normal, you will sock that moron in the face. But if you are a liberal, you will find comfort in that claim.

And that is why liberals are so full of shit - and so goddamn dangerous. They are not just stupid and crooked - they are delusional as well.

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