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Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Cindy Sheehan: American Imbecile and Rabid Anti-Semite

How do you make a fucking lunatic? Take one mother whose brave son died in Iraq. Let her meet President Bush, and afterwards she reports how moved she was that the President met her and comforted her. Take some time, as this obviously unhinged woman was goaded by the far-left lunatics who run the anti-war campaign in America, and watch as she turns from a woman who lost her son to a psychopathic imbecile and rabid anti-Semite.

It ain't pretty - but the MSM won't let you see the worst of it. All they will tell you is that some woman who lost her son hates George W. Bush. It makes liberals feel good to hide the worst of their ilk.

Cindy Sheehan in Dallas: What One Mom has to Say to Bush

“And the other thing I want him to tell me is ‘just what was the noble cause Casey died for?’ Was it freedom and democracy? Bullshit! He died for oil. He died to make your friends richer. He died to expand American imperialism in the Middle East. We’re not freer here, thanks to your PATRIOT Act. Iraq is not free. You get America out of Iraq and Israel out of Palestine and you’ll stop the terrorism,” she exclaimed.

This woman is enabling terrorists by siding with the sick American left. But the liberals in the media just cannot help themselves to give her 15 minutes of fame.

Her time is up. Shuffle her along back to the asylum from whence she came.

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